Also, I don't want to tell you how nice she is and how lovely she ACTS.
"Well, it is very nice to meet you. I hope you know how lucky you are!" he said.
I believe that if you know how to make paper cuts, your life will be nice and more colorful.
How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her reject you for someone who didn't treat her even half as well as you did?
M: I can't understand how children as nice as you manage to play such awful tricks on people.
So if we tease this apart and this is actually nice, every semester I get beat up for just how bad this thing actually is if you start really picking it apart.
It's a nice little benchmark to let you know how important Google sees your web page as.
I showed you how you can load data into the WEKA API (and recommended you spend some time to write a nice wrapper around your database, to make this overly complex process easier).
Every serious web designer will tell you that you start out your layout with a nice grid and do a few wireframes to see how the text flows through the boxes and columns.
Although it might be nice to create extensive tests for every method you write, you must decide how much you can actually do and whether the return will warrant the time you put in.
Wouldn't it be nice if there were a command to let you prioritize how the kernel schedules its processing?
You won't see muscle definition or a nice six-pack despite how many crunches you do, because of the layer of fat resting on top of your muscles.
Are you comfortable that new development teams understand how to create applications that will "play nice" within your environment?
How nice would it be to find a note in your pocket telling you that you matter to someone?
I mean, it's nice when you have it and it just works, but how does that happen?
It's interesting how doing something nice for someone gets you out of your mindset.
This ensures that you have a nice, loosely-coupled application, regardless of how much control you have over things.
It would be nice at the beginning, but after a while you become oblivious on how you can improve.
It's interesting how doing something nice for someone gets you out of your mindset. It can be as simple as helping someone across the street or buying someone dinner.
Sounds nice in theory, however I bet you could count on one hand how many times issues of this nature have been dealt with by management.
You mean that doing nice things for women, and trying to show how you feel can actually HURT your chances with a woman?
That’s nice if you wanted to make the subject a silhouette but in most cases that is not nice if the subject looks and says, “how come I cannot see me”.
No matter how intelligent a robot might be, it's nice knowing you can pull its plug to halt the anti-human insurrection.
So, if you wanted to know how long; an arch of cycloid is, you have this nice-looking curve; how long is it?
As I walked toward him I said, "Hi, my name is Kevin and I'm one of the counselors. It's nice to meet you. How are you?
But that's also nice, it lets you see how the recursive thing is simply unwrapping but the complexity in terms of the amount of time it takes is going to be the same.
Well if you are a nice person keep reading because I am going to give you a few tips on how you can be nice and still finish first.
Entering your data is easy, but the two really nice features are how they're viewed and what you can do with them.
You set the aperture, which dictates how much light comes into the camera-do you want a nice, shallow depth-of-the-field, or everything in focus?
You set the aperture, which dictates how much light comes into the camera-do you want a nice, shallow depth-of-the-field, or everything in focus?