Can you keep a secret? I'll be dead meat if my dad finds out I was the one who broke his golf club.
Can you keep a secret? The boss's secretary just told me he's leaving for another job. She told me not to tell anybody else, so keep it under your hat.
Do you always celebrate your birthday or do you cringe and keep it a secret since you are another year older?
What's the impact on your family life, your marriage, knowing that this happened to you in your early life and you have chosen to keep it a secret?
If you invented something cheaper, more efficient, and more powerful than what came before, you might want to keep the recipe a closely guarded secret.
Open source has helped people realize that there comes a point where you no longer need to keep your source code secret in order to succeed financially.
Satan wants you to think that your sin and temptation are unique so you must keep them a secret. The truth is, we're all in the same boat.
You were discreet not to say anything about our plans when Harry was here. He can't keep a secret.
Rick: Why weren't you honest with me? Why did you keep your marriage a secret?
You can keep a secret. You're a good listener. You're honest to everyone around you.
You want us to keep all this a secret, 'said the doctor,' and you want all the weapons and powder to be kept near us.
The severest rest of character is not so much the ability to keep a secret as it is, but when the secret is finally out, to refrain from disclosing that you knew it all along.
We spoke to you last week and we would never have suspected a thing. Has it been hard to keep the secret?
There is only one thing I ask in return for my help — such as it is. You must keep my secret and tell no one I am a humbug.
If a job I do pleases you, keep it a secret. Leaks like that could get me a promotion.
Don 't tell Dan, if you want to keep it a secret. the guy' s a blabbermouth.
You probably wonder why I waited so long to make my announcement. I want to make a point and say that it's not easy for me to keep a fabulous secret, especially to you; my fans.
Everyone wants to be appreciated. So if you appreciate someone, don't keep it a secret.
You can hold a party for them (even a surprise party if you can keep a secret) or take them out to dinner and pay for their meals.
Practice spending an hour a day doing something just for you and keep it a secret.
Satan wants you to think that your sin and temptation are unique so you must keep them a secret.
Because you must usually keep office relationships a secret, other employees may flirt with your partner or vice-versa.
You can also choose not to show any icon in the system tray, and to hide the selected window with a password, to keep your "work" secret!
They are good and valuable things to have, but you must keep the matter a secret.
There's a start, a finish, and the faster you run, the further you go: the secret to winning a marathon is to knuckle down and keep going.
You can keep a message secret by transferring it into a code which is made up of dots and dashes.
You can keep a message secret by transferring it into a code which is made up of dots and dashes.