Try to reduce your eye rests to 3-4 per line, maybe evenless as you get better… keep the eye moving smoothly line after line, lettingyour mind drink in the knowledge on the line.
They keep you moving along - but whether they carry you to a better place or not depends entirely on the habit.
You can keep the static partitions on a local server while moving the dynamic partitions to a remote server for frequent updates by the users.
If you're not currently a catalyst for change but can see how this approach can keep you moving in the right direction, here are some things you can do to get you well on your way.
Let it be the point on the horizon that you continually keep in sight, moving around obstacles but constantly heading towards that point.
Whatever you do, keep putting one foot in front of the other - stay in the moment, and don't look to the past - you learned what you need to do, it's done and you're moving on.
无论你做什么,记住要一步一个脚印。 把注意力放在现在而不是过去——你知道你要做什么,这些事情已经做完了你应该继续。
Moving at least two of them is pretty much a necessity; if you keep them around on the bench, their value will fall.
If you're still looking for work these days, try moving into the New Year on a high note with these seven helpful (and hopefully lucky) job-related resolutions you must keep.
If the horse starts moving away from the farrier, you can touch the horse on the shoulder to keep him still.
I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet again and keep on moving, you are very good!
There is still a long way to go. You may cry, but you have to keep on moving and never stop.
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving on." - Albert Einstein.
You can never change your past, it's already happened anyway. All you can do is make the best of today, let go, and keep moving on.
Furthermore you will often be approaching women on the move during the day. It is very difficult to stop a moving group and keep their attention.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving on. - Albert Einstein.
There is no need for a structured gym routine, what is important is that you keep on moving.
Or, if you planned on moving in with your sweetheart, now you may wonder if you really should give up your apartment and decide to keep it and perhaps sublet it (if you are allowed by your landlord).
It's a little like how you can keep moving forwards on the earth, but earth's curvature brings you back to where you started.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving on. "- Albert Einstein".
Keep moving with a transceiver that stays in your mobile PC when you go and a mouse that works on more surfaces with Microsoft?
购买青花瓷或剪纸艺术任何一款,送微软官方礼盒装限量版青花笔一只,如下图 不论您在哪里工作,收发器均能插在移动电脑内,不会丢掉。
Keep moving on to higher ground looking for a way you thought could not be found.
Keep moving on to higher ground looking for a way you thought could not be found.