But you also feel comforted because there is nothing to hide from him. He already knows what you know.
Let him, know that there is nothing that he can do that will make you hate him, if he tells you about it honestly.
If you know that you are an asset to your employer or clients there is nothing wrong with asking for a raise, extra benefits or other consideration to reflect your value.
Again, go for the Oscar, get your blood pumping, and know there is nothing you can't do when you believe you have what it takes to get it done.
Know When not to Finish - There is nothing wrong with putting a book down that you were halfway through.
We know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys but there is nothing much we can do.
It is the only sure thing, that there are things that make signs to you that you know nothing about.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to know how many people have visited your web site, in fact it's something that you really do need to know.
If your faith holds strong you will know that there is nothing to fear, as the Light is your power and protection.
Love will fill you up, so you will know there is nothing missing in your life.
"I don't know what you're complaining about," said the counselor, "There is nothing to change for you"?
DV want to let you know that helping out people, is one of the happy thing in our life. There is nothing happier than given your help to others, and felt even more happier.
You must know, everything is a passing phase. Everything will come to an end soon, because there is nothing permanent.
I don't know either, there is nothing to be shamed about, and next time when you talk to client service in HSBC, tell them they should be aware of their attitudes.
I don't know either, there is nothing to be shamed about, and next time when you talk to client service in HSBC, tell them they should be aware of their attitudes.