When you went home yesterday, you left behind a first-class fuck-up. Now you can clean it up.
I looked mopishly at the sinuate black outline that you left behind, a tear dropped.
LL: I'd be psyched if you left behind that new leather couch you got for Christmas last year.
It is one that you left behind you eons of time ago, to experience time and space in Duality.
If only you could see the tears, in the world you left behind. If only you could hear my heart, Just one more time.
When time flies, the people you left behind had found the happiness belongs to her, and they are love mutually, then you should feel relief.
Festerguts Death: Oh Festergut you were always my favorite next to Rotface. The good news is that you left behind so much gas! I can practically taste it.
Dongjiao Hotel, a pleasant situation of color, honor the extraordinary bearing, it is your first choice for luxurious wedding is a beautiful memory you left behind his life to the best.
When you look back at the end of the road, the person you left behind will be the one forever grateful to you and wishing you happiness, for you showed her respect instead of doing hurt.
The umbrella will not only tell you the weather, but also let you know you've left it behind.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in their hands, the teacher said, "If you noticed, all the nice looking and expensive cups had been taken, but the simple and cheap ones had been left behind.
Conventional resources are important to prevent yourself from being left behind, but they can't give you competitive advantage.
It's painful, in that we left behind the people we love the most. It was like tearing off a limb, except that you can live without a limb... living without these loved ones isn't so easy.
Which means something's got to give: "When all you think about is the baby, your relationship gets left behind," says Dave Kushner, also of Brooklyn, and father of Samantha, 3, and Mia, 1.
On the morning of the stroke, I woke up to a pounding pain behind my left eye. And it was the kind of pain, caustic pain, that you get when you bite into ice cream.
In the example on the left above you can see that the model has her arms tucked behind her body.As a result we loose the silhouette of her shape.
In the example on the left above you can see that the model has her arms tucked behind her body. As a result we loose the silhouette of her shape.
If you don't upgrade your tools, you risk being left behind by those who do. They will produce far more output with better quality than you.
To the naked eye, the symbols are hard to distinguish, but with a magnifying glass you can see the letters LV behind the right pupil (the left when watching the painting).
The only problem is, if the real thing draws up beside you at the traffic lights, your sheep will be left behind bleating.
The left side was shot at f/22: The torch is in focus, and you can make out the tree and the house behind it. That's a large DOF.
You will tell them that you have left behind your wife in Sudan, and that her life is now in danger and you want her to come as well.
The more you move forward in your own personal recovery, the more the eating disorder will be left behind to become part of your past.
You may have left behind friends from high school, college, or previous workplaces. Taking a few minutes to reconnect can be really rewarding.
Sit on your right heel with your left leg extended behind you; your left thigh is hovering over the floor.
This not only forces you to clean up the source nodes that are left behind, but it can also be expensive if the subtree you're moving is large.
This not only forces you to clean up the source nodes that are left behind, but it can also be expensive if the subtree you're moving is large.