Giving my reasons but as you look away.
And the darK edges visible on clouds when you looK away from the sun.
If you look away from a person or yawn, they may think you are not interested in them.
How long before you look away from me before you abandon me until I swallow my spittle?
When they are talking to you, make eye contact. When you look away, it makes you look bad on your part.
You may have stayed away from running belts because you think they look too much like fanny packs and, trust me, I had the same thoughts.
Keep the uggos away, unlike the offline world, it won't make you look better in comparison.
Do people look away, sigh, roll their eyes or even start arguing with you when you give them advice?
Oh, my friend, do you like stars? If you feel lonely far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I "ve send you."
So it increases when you go further away from the Earth if you look at the Earth, or from the sun if you look at the sun.
To make friends with an unfamiliar cat, blink and look away when you catch his eyes.
Now look at 3:5, "You know that he was revealed to take away SINS and in him there is no sin, no one who abides in him SINS."
But if they look away while answering something that should be easy to answer, you should wonder why.
If you look for faults in your partner, or expect them to cheat, you'll push them away and only make it more likely.
But imagine that you are marooned on an island with just your rusty laptop... ok, strike out the 'Gilligan's island' scenario and look at a more realistic setting of being away from a net connection.
If you are not getting the deal you and your Realtor feel you deserve, do not be afraid to walk away, and look at the next home on your list.
Any new code should not be developed depending on these options being set, and you should look for ways to refactor your existing code away from using them if possible.
What does your site look and feel like when you strip away all your preconceptions and bias?
So, the next time you see a withered hand extended in need, or peer into the eyes of a lonely aging face don’t run or look away.
It takes minuscule extra effort to choose a pair of sandals to take away with you, yet they add a style dimension to even the most basic shorts-and-vest holiday look.
But to look away, you have to really look away, meaning you have to divert enough of your attention to something else while you're looking away.
Most of us are sentimental, so when you are in agony, do not look down upon yourself. You should harbor in mind that every one has a fragile side in heart and has different ways to drain it away.
I, for some reason, said, "But at least you don't look any worse," and walked away.
If you aren't sure that an email is clearly worded, step away from your computer for five minutes, and then look it over with a fresh perspective.
If you're stuck on a problem and can't find the answer, one of the best things you can do is to "look away" for a while.
If you don't know what happens to the Weasley twins, look away now – but most fans will already know that one of them dies in Rowling's final book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
She pushed me away and held on to my shoulders at arms length. "Let me look at you.
But if I say to the boy, 'Look, the arrows are beyond you,' then you must go, because the LORD has sent you away.
You need to look beyond the current situation and be able to imagine a time, no matter how far away — a week, a month or a decade — that is better than now.
You need to look beyond the current situation and be able to imagine a time, no matter how far away — a week, a month or a decade — that is better than now.