The old man, turning to the child, said with a smile: "You look nice, too; come now!"
Rarely did these propositions even contain a perfunctory “Hello, you look nice in pinstripes” or any other kind of humanizing email chatter.
A public dressing down for her dowdiness and shyness (" Bird, why can't you look nice, like Connie here? "), and she would take it on the chin.
If you did a good job, your shoes should look as nice as when you first got them.
Maybe you can go to a shopping mall to choose nice clothes that would make her look beautiful!
Books that you need and love will naturally come back into your life; books that were just nice to look at or think about reading will stay out of your way.
If you have a look at Mac OS/X, and many Web sites, the pictures have quite nice curved corners.
Look. She's nice but doesn't go out easy. If you want I can send another pretty girl over to your house tonight.
I mean, in general, you will want, once you have a set of nice, natural variables, you will want to look mostly at situations where one of the variables changes.
If you look at the final image preview, you can see that we have nice tabs in the content area.
You can also change the look and feel of the theme of your planner which gives this app a nice touch.
So when some sort of special occasion rolls around that requires you to look nice, you’ll have to procure new ones.
Bare tables don't look nice, you may want to consider using white table cloths so the whole booth will look more professional.
These properties enable you to give your documents exactly the format and appearance that makes them "look nice" to you.
Of course there is no harm in wanting to look nice, but if it affects your confidence positively or negatively then it is something you can work on.
But it's nice to know that you can find pretty much any configuration if you take the time to look for it.
You should take some time to look around the use cases application; it has some nice demos of features like the Validator and remoting support in Shale, as well as a simple Ajax application.
I'll show you how I build my shaders using Substance output in order to have a strong nice metal look and build some layered shaders with Blend Material and mask.
Thanks to this project NetBeans can provide basic support for lots of different languages - and if you invent your own language make sure to look at Schliemann to get some nice support in the IDE.
We would say, “Oh, look, you're paying attention to what I'm writing” or “It's nice of you to pay attention when I'm talking.
Once you're finished, you'll get a nice reply screen back, which gives you a very long key, repeats back your URL, and even gives you a sample page. The key will look something like this.
It was so nice to finally get to meet some of you, and I look forward to working together again in the future!
You do not want to wear your most faded jeans with a nice shirt and tie, but you can mix it up to have a unique look.
A nice cold hell where you can look up and see me help restore Mad Aerys's daughter to the Iron Throne?
The nice thing about an infinite space such as, for instance, the one in which we live, is that you can find basically anything if you look hard enough.
I guess it would look pretty nice if you got rid of all the barbed wire and guns and Mickey Mouse army shacks.
I guess it would look pretty nice if you got rid of all the barbed wire and guns and Mickey Mouse army shacks.