You look so smart! Your jacket matches the blue jeans.
This alarm clock option doesn’t give you any meaningful way to customize the display, so it’s just as well the three-dimensional white letters on a blue background look as good as they do.
This alarm clock option doesn't give you any meaningful way to customize the display, so it's just as well the three-dimensional white letters on a blue background look as good as they do.
You can see how a tint can change the overall mood and feel of an image: Sepia tones make it look nostalgic, blue tones make it look cold and unwelcome, and so forth.
So why go diving? Transport yourself for a moment into outer space and look back at where you came from. You were on a tiny speck of land sticking up out of the vast oceans of a blue planet.
So take a deep breath and look up into the blue sky, you will find a great big smile through the clouds.
So take a deep breath and look up into the blue sky, you will find a great big smile through the clouds.