If you make a choice to give up that pay check, you are opening your family to the risk of financial instability down the road.
As you step up to the plate, know that as you take back your personal power and sovereignty, you make a choice that is for the highest good for all.
I used to have a very large poster hanging on the wall in my classroom that read: If you make a choice you must be willing to accept the consequence of that choice.
There is no give and take, as the controller is uncomfortable and bossy if you want to make a choice about something.
Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and dont look back.
Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and don't look back.
Perhaps the most important choice you have to make about logging is to decide on a scheme that assigns each log message to a particular category.
It is hard to choose a technology, in part because whatever choice you make may prove sub-optimal tomorrow.
You will be forced to make a choice, whether good for bad, about continuing your habit.
If, however, you are unsure which style of swimsuit to choose, let 21st Century help you make the right choice to make a splash this summer.
As the company grows, the choice of accounting software will become more complicated, but by then you will have hired a financial team that can make those choices.
Based on your specific requirements and business environment, you will be able to make a choice between those that are transport-dependent or those that are specific to SOAP messaging.
Your design can sometimes dictate which choice you make; for example, extending base types with subtypes is clearly a more object-oriented approach.
Choose a name: the current statistics about your machine are available in the left-hand pane and update with each choice you make.
This was a real choice, without a good solution, but at Auschwitz you had to make the choice.
You've opened it up and answered a heap of questions you had - now you need to make your choice.
For most of us, diversification in love, at least beyond a very small number, is impossible, so it's necessary to do a lot of research on the choice you make.
It may be a choice you need to make several times, but your happiness is at stake.
Structuring your code to make calls on a connection to a remote VM's MBean server is one choice available to you.
But we all have a choice in life.Nobody can make you do what you don't want to do.
And whether you want to have friends who are like you, or a more diverse group of friends, make sure the choice is yours.
Since you can make a JDBC connection to most databases, you can really just use the JDBC driver to connect to any database of your choice.
You can also install your functional tool of choice on the default agent and make a customized version for this purpose.
But my job here isn't to educate, it's to raise your awareness that you have a choice to make.
Instead, everything is designed to channel you toward a career choice that will allow you to "make a good living."
Whenever you have a choice of activities to do, pick the one that will make for a better story.
If you've been in a similar spot in the past, what choice did you make?
No trust in Decisions Made: Even if you finally do make a choice, it is very possible that because of your low self-confidence, you have no trust that your decision was the best for the circumstance.
But on balance, when you make a decision - even if it is a hypothetical choice - you will value it more and expect it to bring you pleasure.
But on balance, when you make a decision - even if it is a hypothetical choice - you will value it more and expect it to bring you pleasure.