Charles Manson thinks you need to calm down.
But if you have curly hair and all you want to do is straighten it, this usually means your life is too chaotic and you need to calm down.
When you are faced with difficulties, you need to calm down and then think out of the box.
Sitting down and having a full breakfast accompanied by calm breathing every morning is not realistic for most, but even if you're in a hurry, you need to eat.
Use a book light to avoid disturbing others and to avoid putting on too much light. A page or two of thoughts written down can calm you enough to restore the need for sleep.
Then calm down, stay in that space, think about it, what am I to put in here, what do there, imagine the way later in life, you need to know what.
Ok, Ok, calm down. I'll just get a coffee to go, and give you a ride home. It sounds like you need some sleep.
When you feel confused, you need to stop to calm down, looking back, see him pass through the road.
But once you calm down and take things slowly, everything will work out - and you also don't need to be too concerned about your personal life.
But once you calm down and take things slowly, everything will work out - and you also don't need to be too concerned about your personal life.