We look at the trophies and the competitions we’re in and it’s so difficult to compete in all of the tournaments so you need to be realistic and try and win one or two.
我们看着那些奖杯和所要面对的比赛。 显然在所有的比赛中都保持竞争力是很困难,所以我们要现实一些,尝试去赢得其中的一个或两个奖杯。
Think of it in terms of personal success: do you really need to compete with your peers in order to be a success?
To compete and secure a job, you need to have an online presence, manage it effectively, and cater to your network.
If your company is an ISV and your personal responsibilities include development or marketing, you need to build your products faster and compete more effectively in your vertical markets.
如果你的公司是一个IS V而你个人的职责包括了开发或市场,你需要更快建立你的产品并在你的垂直市场更有效地参与竞争。
To compete the tutorial, you will need a CICS environment that meets the prerequisites listed on the CA1S download page.
If too many pages compete for high rankings using your keywords, you might need to select more specific keywords.
To compete with your Boston Terrier you will need to understand the requirements and procedures used for judging.
There's no need in showing others that you are better, even if they are trying to compete with you.
No need to compete yourself with others, just enjoy your practice and gradually you can achieve the goals of Yoga.
I don't need to remind you that the market has become very competitive. the competition has become pretty keen. you must be able to compete with rival firms.
Your sense of inner strength and self belief will increase and you will slowly begin to let go the need to compete.
Your sense of inner strength and self belief will increase and you will slowly begin to let go the need to compete.