They'll just ignore it anyway, and it tells them that your email address is accurate, which just keeps you on the list.
As you create fictional characters, you'll almost always combine characteristics from several different people on your list to form the identity and personality of just one character.
If you share our anxieties about the suffering caused by the caging of battery hens, we would like you to put Barn or Free Range eggs on your shopping list too.
You can create an access list of IP addresses that tells the router which computers on the network require NAT.
你可以创建一个IP地址的访问列表,告诉路由器网路中哪些计算机需要NAT 。
You have been an excellent student, Nancy, and you will not be without honors on the senior list, as I am sure you know.
How many of the things on your list have you done so far?
When you were trying to figure out what to buy for the environmentalist on your holiday list, fur probably didn't cross your mind.
If so, you might want to consider leaving him off the invite list on the nights you go out to meet women.
At the end of the day, look back on your list. Did you hit all the items you checked off? Do you feel happier?
So you can find the area where you live (if you live in one of the areas on the list) and see how the ratios now compare to their historical norms.
Do they really feel essential to your life, or when you think about them, do you feel like you'd be better off if you spent money on the list of goals you created earlier this month?
Tyler says, "Well, you better stop talking or you'd better start another fight club because next week you put your name on a list when you get here, and only the first fifty names on the list get in.
You will not believe the wonderful feeling of accomplishment as you cross all the items on your list!
The program is currently sold out, but you can go here to get on the announcement list for when it reopens.
If you waste hours of the day because you can't bring yourself to tackle the tasks on your list, you may well end up working late to finish everything.
In the right upper corner on the project TAB, you can see the list of project assets such as orchestrations, endpoints, transformations, and XML schemas.
And the more you ask me about which ones are on the list, the more I will add to the list.
Sometimes, important people you put on the guest list make a beeline for the door right after your set. That doesn't mean you've missed your window of opportunity.
You can submit your own idea or comment on the list on our Web site,, or you can send us a letter.
你可以在我们的网站上对该列表发布你自己的想法和评论,, 你也可以给我们写信。
The missing list on the foreach line isn't a typo: If you omit a list, the foreach structure processes the list of arguments given on the command line.
If the host you need is not on the list, click Add and provide the host name and port number.
Once an extended mapping document appears on the displayed list, you can view it by clicking on the related mapping document.
You want the matter resolved, so you can cross it off your list and move on.
All the prices on the list are subject to our final confirmation. You can see the prices are reasonable.
I want you to write down the person's name on the top, then list all of the things that they did to hurt you.
I want you to write down the person's name on the top, then list all of the things that they did to hurt you.