You only have one pair of eyes so take care of them.
In this game, you only have one starting point, one destination, and one competitor.
By "the query", it sounds like you only have one operation to do.
If you only have one tool, you don't need to worry about it too much.
You don't use the latter as you only have one value in play at a time.
Put all your eggs in one basket, which is very easy if you only have one egg.
The in-ine cache looks better in that you only have one interface: to the cache.
You only have one rule defined in your project, so there is a clear and simple mapping.
可能您在您的项目中只有一个定义的规则,所以这里有一个清晰而简单的映射 。
But in this game you only have one starting point, one destination and one competitor.
Only one creditor: with a consolidated loan, you only have one creditor to deal with.
You only have one set of vision cells, so if you lose them they can never be replaced.
In the city of infinite options sometimes there's no better feeling than knowing you only have one.
You still have a good chance of having future normal pregnancies if you only have one fallopian tube.
Even if you only have one meeting a day with investors, somehow that one meeting will burn up your whole day.
You only have one life. So you must do what your heart tells you and go for what will make you truly happy.
You only have one life. So you must do what your heart tells you and go for what will make you truly happy.
In the case of this example, you only have one parameter expected - the column expression - which will be one string.
You only have one life in this body so make the most of it by creating something that adds value to those around you.
If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first?
In this form of the style sheet, you only have one template, which corresponds to the root of the information that you are trying to retrieve.
With the converged Web service implementation and corresponding Web service client built, you only have one more Web service implementation to construct.
It's important to plan the project, because once you're in front of the moon, it rises so quickly and you only have one chance to get the shots you want.
One of the books I read, the first question the author asked is if you only have one hour to live, and you only can make one phone call, what you are going to do?
You only have one task, and it is currently on track. If you had multiple tasks waiting for your work, the pie chart at the top left shows you how many of them are on track or delayed.
Because one vertex can only have one normal, you must duplicate the vertices as well.
You may be the only younger one in your year, but, you know, we have a lot of after-school activities you can join in.
You mustn't think that there is only one teacher there, and such a kind one as we have here.
If you have only one sink, stack washed dishes in a dish rack and rinse them with a pan of hot water.
The only vacant one I have is 600 dollars. Have you inquired at the apartment complex down the street?
The only vacant one I have is 600 dollars. Have you inquired at the apartment complex down the street?