If you stay behind, you will not be giving up your job altogether, you will be just giving up one opportunity now.
That isn't to say you can't succeed alone but having people behind your idea will help you stay focused and keep your eye on what really matters: making your idea happen.
Otherwise, you'll stay a step behind. You won't find your own breakthrough if you don't know how your predecessors (or competition!) had theirs.
The psychology behind scaling out is to reduce stress by quickly locking in a profit, which should also help you stay in trends longer with any remaining positions.
Still remember the best friend who once cried because you hid one of her shoes behind the door so as to ask her to stay for lunch?
We invite you to stay behind for lunch, enjoy the sweets and fellowship with one another.
When you know the reasoning behind the food you eat, it is much easier to stay on track with a diet.
"You didn't want to stay behind, did you!" he laughed.
You need to stay three car lengths behind the vehicle in front of you when road is wet.
Shred will offer slightly more overall DPScompared to Mangle if you are able to stay behind the target.
So if you have animation code or stuff that purely is visual enhancements then use code-behind, else stay off it cos it just hurts you.
Why do you all hate America so much? As stated they are about 50yrs behind us and will stay that way. do so research please and you'll learn that we are NOT standing still.
Well if you encounter exogenous, such as heat of the general tonic to disable, otherwise it will lead to the risk of bandits to stay behind closed doors.
The tour groups have mostly left by late afternoon so, if you have time, stay for a beautiful sunset as the sun sinks down behind the mountains …
You are in life being doomed, I will not forget the rainbow will stay behind trace.
You get down and try to come from behind, guys try to get more aggressive and try to take on more of a scoring load, rather than stay within the scheme of the offense.
You get down and try to come from behind, guys try to get more aggressive and try to take on more of a scoring load, rather than stay within the scheme of the offense.