I thank the person who translated my articles: I hope you stick around, even if English is not your first language.
If you're constantly talking about how you used to do things at your last job or when the old boss was in charge, people will wonder why you stick around.
Which makes perfect sense to me. Lots of guys take the All Star break to rest and go on vacation somewhere. Why would you stick around just the dunk contest?
If you love to swim or dance, you may find it easier to stick with an exercise program that is built around these activities.
You don't come across a lot of genuine people in this industry and I feel blessed to have someone who will stick around through my bull.
The more you let your users get involved in your site, the more they'll stick around.
You continue to stick around,... and then your life has this feeling of —... at least we can imagine this happening — being sort of anticlimactic.
Enjoy life while you can; Of course, this won't work for everyone, so feel free to shuffle the Numbers around until they do, just stick with 'em once you do.
Last month, I told you to run in production mode if you wanted your Trip records to stick around between server restarts.
Even if you do not like book reviews, stick around and read Jason's interview because he has really great tips to share with all of us.
However, you did get the great bonus of carrying around a large stick and hitting young athletes over the head when they didn't perform well enough.
Or you can stick around a bit longer to learn about the files in your brand new project.
They may tell you to leave that day (great!) but you should at least offer to stick around for the next 10 workdays.
If you ever do smell natural gas, either in home or a restaurant, don't stick around.
This may not seem like a big deal in a vacuum, but if you look at the territory Magic has to compete with, it is quite staggering that so many of us stick around.
Ideally, you don't want readers to just look at the initial page they came to on your site, you want them to stick around and look at other interesting things as well.
Be aware and take notice of what's around you when out walking. Stick to areas that have other people around, and that are well lit at night.
Thank you for giving me the inspiration to stick around, at age 50, you have to feel you're contributing to something.
Go around the house and put up notes with the foreign word for objects you see everyday. Stick notes on Windows, cupboards, mirrors and anything else you see.
It's true, you can get what you want instead of having to want what you have. Success is easy after you believe. But first, you must believe. So stick around, and keep reading.
Hope is tough walking stick, patience is a bag, take them, you can board the eternal journey, traveled around the world.
Because of this, precise control is quite difficult around the trimmed position and as you move the stick you will suddenly feel the FFB kick in.
A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.
But when you reduce processed carbohydrates and your insulin levels decrease, the saturated fat you consume burns faster and it doesn't stick around the body as long.
I'm not a marriage counselor. At parent-teacher conferences, let's stick to Dakota's progress, not how your husband won't help you around the house.
I'm not a marriage counselor. At parent-teacher conferences, let's stick to Dakota's progress, not how your husband won't help you around the house.