You mention that it features some unflattering moments, were you tempted to edit them out?
You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to.
If your hands are tied behind your back, you will not be tempted to make use of them.
Whenever you feel that you are tempted think “If I succumb to this temptation, where will it take me?
But if, as a nation, you can't manage this, you may be tempted to resort to artificial (and temporary) expedients.
So, when you are tempted to be discouraged and think what you do doesn't matter — resist those thoughts!
因此,当你被诱惑要气馁了,心想自己并不重要- - -请阻止那些想法!
Since this is so, you may be tempted to add project references to internal or external JARs as well.
So, if you are tempted to visit Belgrade, take my advice: Bring a sleeping bag and DO stay at the hostel Belgrade. It may well be the best hostel in Serbia.
Don't assume you won't be tempted to have an affair as almost everyone is.
Therefore, for performance reasons, you might be tempted to disable all diagnostics during normal operation of the system.
Without a servant’s heart, you will be tempted to misuse your shape for personal gain.
When you have that option you may be tempted to use a debug build on staging and a release build in production.
Is there an area in your marriage where you are being tempted to resent your mate?
While you may be tempted to toast to a successful plastic surgery operation, most doctors wouldn't recommend it.
Likewise, you might be tempted to believe that lightweight development is useful only for building toy applications.
While you may be tempted to write off these problems as user error, you should resist the temptation and plan on handling invalid form submissions gracefully.
If you are even tempted and it's nowhere to be found, then you can't have it.
Now, you might be tempted to dismiss destructive speculation as a minor issue - and 30 years ago you would have been right.
You may be tempted to exploit the attribute-like syntax to have some of your declarations set up as default attributes in an external entity.
If you are tempted to use the GO to statement with a procedure name, consider the EVALUATE statement as an alternative option.
Starting tomorrow, do a little self improvement exercise: Each time you feel tempted to say something negative, make yourself say something positive instead.
Though you might be tempted to create a joint leadership arrangement or leadership by committee, these are recipes for slow decision-making.
Value your friendship and the trust you've worked hard to build and remember that when you are tempted to share something that is private.
First, pick a name that's so bad, that you won't even be tempted to use it when you run into difficulties finding your real domain name.
You might be tempted to simply iterate through the collection and add or remove each element as it's found, but don't.
You might be tempted to simply iterate through the collection and add or remove each element as it's found, but don't.