You're going to have a wonderful few months here in Bali. You wait and see.
I suggest you wait and see again, many children hidden in the 1-year-old Gao will automatically decline.
Just like if you wait and see a tree growing in your backyard everyday, it will naturally takes root in your heart.
Just you wait and see how much your diligence to the cause will be rewarded from a place in your soul that shall CONFIRM that the path you have been following was that which you KNEW to be of TRUTH.
"If you want to see your future bright, you have to start working now and not wait for anyone else," she said at the acceptance meeting in New York.
You should also see a bottleneck on your system, as the blocked processes and wait times are abnormally high.
Wait a few seconds (depending on the number of tiles to be processed), and you will see the map rotated 180 degrees to give you a new perspective on the geography.
Wait a few seconds, and you should see an inventory list of three items appear on the screen.
Wait until you begin to detail the use-case flows and scenarios and capture them in the OV-6c sequence diagrams (see below).
等到您开始详述用例流和场景并在OV - 6 c序列图(见下)中获得它们的时候。
You should see a lovely Tomcat welcome screen — if not, wait a few minutes and try again, because it might take a while for the network to catch up with you.
您应该会看到一个可爱的Tomcat欢迎屏幕 —如果没有的话,等待几分钟然后重试,因为网络可能需要几分钟的时间才能作出响应。
If you want a suggestion, and don't want to wait, you can also press Ctrl-Space to see a list of options immediately.
如果您需要系统的建议,并且不想等待,还可以按ctrl - Space,这样就可以立即看到选项清单。
If that sounds preposterous, wait until you see it from space. The image below was captured by a GeoEye satellite and has a resolution of half a meter (1.65 feet).
Often you will be tempted to 'wait and see'. Or someone will say to you, "you're over-reacting!"
Wait for a while and you see similar messages in the Server Logs view, as shown in Figure 29.
等待一会儿,您就会在ServerLogs视图中看到类似消息,如图 29 所示。
If you have to make a decision on Friday, wait until Friday, and see what the day brings.
You know, my inspiration is that I wait and see what the pumpkin has to offer, and I just sort of bring it out.
Some doctors will see you right away to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test but many prefer to wait until week 8 to schedule and appointment.
Sure, it can take some time for this to happen, but if you persist, employees will see the light and it will be worth the wait.
Some doctors will see you right away to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test, but many prefer to wait until week 8 to schedule and appointment.
You can see the message telling you and the representative that connections have been dropped and asking you to wait a few minutes for reconnecting of the communication lines.
I can't wait to see her reaction when she sees you - she'll be so surprised and happy she may cry.
If you think that another Depression might be around the corner, better to be careful and save more. Better to wait and see how things turn out.
You don't just get to show up at the site, wait in line for a couple of hours and then waltz in to see Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson.
You might even sell this design, and wait to see if the market justifies large-scale production.
But wait long enough and you will see that, of course, the periods will be different.
And then you need an engineer who is allowed to not touch the patient but sit there and watch, and say, "wait a minute, I see what you're doing, you're doing the same thing 7 times.
To see those, you have to physically go to the British Library and then place an order with a pencil on a piece of paper and wait for somebody to bring you a package of letters like a sacred offering.
But, if you are happy with your current iPad and don't see the point this incremental upgrade, you should save the money and wait for the redesign of the iPad 3.
但如果你对现在所拥有的iPad满意,并且没有看到升级版iPad的出色之处,你就应当攒下钱来,等待经过重新设计的iPad 3。
But, if you are happy with your current iPad and don't see the point this incremental upgrade, you should save the money and wait for the redesign of the iPad 3.
但如果你对现在所拥有的iPad满意,并且没有看到升级版iPad的出色之处,你就应当攒下钱来,等待经过重新设计的iPad 3。