You walk by and people see Darth and you know you watch the reactions on their faces.
Look ahead and make eye contact with people as you walk by, even if you don't stop to talk.
A table of pretty girls will turn in unison through the window of a restaurant as you walk by.
I watched you walk by my house this morning. Why din't you call in and see me? I have heard the news about Sir Percival.
You can do this by taking a walk, reading a book, going to a concert or seeing a film, or just sitting in a private place and being silent for a moment.
I'm not sure that your fish will be able to remember what your face looks like, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it could remember you in other ways, perhaps by the sound of your footsteps as you walk towards the tank.
IF YOUR face and name are anywhere on the web, you may be recognised whenever you walk the streets-not just by cops but by any geek with a computer.
Decide that nothing can stop you. - Being born to walk on water isn't enough by itself.
You learned to walk as a child by continually falling on your face trying to take your first steps.Life is the same way.
When you're home, the house takes care of you by playing your favorite song whenever you walk in or instantaneously dimming the lights for a movie.
It is hard to walk when you have a small child attached to every limb but I am dragged by this happy band of tiny tour guides into bedrooms and nurseries.
First, you should be varying the pace by warming up with a 5-minute walk or easy jog.
Specific: By specific, I mean what activity are you going to do, at what time of day, and where?Don't just say “exercise” or “I'm going to walk”.
I don't know about that. I am not so sure. "But then, we realized that like when we walk out that door, it's the whole world again." So you get sucked up by your group, by your sort of identity.
Walking is something that we do everyday and by increasing the pace that you normally walk, you'll also increase your heart rate, which in turn burns calories and increases heart health.
事实上,走路是我们每天在做的事,而当你在给自己创造走路的条件时,你也是给自己创造出锻炼心脏,增加血液循环的条件。 也就是说,路走的越多就能燃烧更多的卡路里,就能让你的心脏更健康。
The site helps you find a walkable place to live by calculating a walk Score for any address.
By committing to a two-year data plan contract, you can walk out of your local Best Buy with a Compaq-stamped HP Mini 110c in hand for less than your morning coffee.
只需履行24个月的数据计划合同,你就可以花不到一杯早咖啡的价格潇洒地从当地的百思买店带走一台CompaqHP 110c上网本。
'By the time you walk into that meeting, there should be no surprises,' she says.
Do you ever find yourself unable to walk past that local chocolate shop or mesmerized by the chocolate figures in the window display?
Bonus restaurant tip: If you pass by a health food type store walk in and ask about local veg-friendly restaurants.
"When you go to the prison and you walk around, you are struck by the absolute tranquility and beauty of the buildings," Batten says.
Something happens: you walk through a door, you are all by yourself, you meet someone else, you somehow never showed up, whatever it may be.
When you add running segments to a walk, you can experience a sense of joy not bestowed by other life activities.
This scenario-based technique lets you walk through the whole system or process, step by step, as a user.
The kids are always first to make people smile, and if they are too young to walk far you can often ‘cheat’ by hiring transport to villages close to the road.
In this article, I walk you through a practical, step-by-step example of how to create Web sites in XML.
In any walk of life, if you want other people to take notice of you, you can only do it by relying on solid achievements and sound abililty.
By segmenting the message or trying to say too much at once, you dilute your key points and take a risk prospects and media will walk away without taking next steps or remembering the point.
You're hit by a fishy smell when you walk in, and you quickly see why: Jacuzzi-sized tanks, filled with tilapia.
Seen from afar, American politics too look like a walk in a thunderstorm: stray too close to almost any prominent issue and you risk a zapping by lightning bolts of anger.