If you want to record the tree, you should take a photo.
When you want to record a new word or expression, remember to write it out in an example sentence.
Select this option if you want to specify the application which you want to record as part of your project.
For example, suppose you want to record your birthday in the payroll system; the event recorded is birthday.
The last thing you should do before you run a script is determine which metrics you want to record for the test.
Or maybe you're having a special birthday party and you want to record it, but can't afford to buy a new digital video camcorder?
Connect them to your computer through the sound card, click record on Audacity's interface, and start playing the songs you want to record.
Once you stop recording into an event log, the event log is closed and you must create another event log if you want to record your application again.
The third parameter passed to the WriteAuditEvent method is an open-ended string value that you can use to pass whatever custom data you want to record for a custom log entry.
On the next page of the wizard, you can choose how you want to retrieve a particular employee record for updating (Figure 27).
Expand the relevant schemas and click the table in which you want the record to be updated.
This means that you want multiple simulated users, running simultaneous instances of the same test, to each retrieve a unique test data record from a file.
You use file-splitting when the files you want to retrieve are large or they each contain more than one record.
You can also select whether you want to display a single record or list and whether to create or update an entity.
If you want to define more record types, you will need to repeat these instructions for each record type that you need to define (starting with Step 7 of the Create Integration Profile section).
The easiest way is to first query for the record you want to change, then load the record into an object.
It allows you to record the steps that you want to run load test on, and then replay the steps with the appropriate user loads.
This is not a diary of events, but a record of the life lessons you don't want to forget.
Log files can grow very large and in many cases you will want to keep an historical record of events on your machine for problems.
When you finally make a selection deciding on a particular jacket with particular pants with a particular shirt, you want the ability to capture and record this information as well.
While you don't want to let users know that they might get flawed data, you should record some information about what happened.
If the future models are limited, you want to look at other approaches to get at the question of sea-level rise one approach is to turn to the past record of sea-level rise.
You could develop a custom solution to record all of the information for you, including all of the various types of information that you might want to store.
If I invent a new drug and you record a new song, you want to use my drug, and I want to listen to your song.
Indicate where you want to install the boot loader, such as Master boot Record (MBR), finish your customization, and click OK.
Think about what purpose you want your blog to serve — do you want a record of your daily life, or maybe a way to keep your friends and family up-to-date while you’re traveling?
You want to ensure that you are always dealing with the right record, given that multiple versions of the same information may exist.
On paper, they do not sound life-changing: why would you want to pause or rewind live television, and what difference does it make being able to record programmes at the touch of a button?
You also want to confirm the user's intention before actually deleting the record (in case the user clicked the wrong link).
I've understood you want me to clean the bathroom. Stop going on like a broken record!