I am happy to know that you will come to Zunyi and looking forward to meeting you at the airport.
Do you know when the exchange students will come to our school?
O Angel, I tell you all this not from vanity - you will certainly know I do not - but only that you may come to me!
This concept of figuring out if this girl measures up to your expectations will all come naturally when you know what you really want in a girl.
Know God, know His character, and you will be able to discern the voices that come to you, whether they are His, yours, or the enemy's.
In years to come, if you see aircraft with strange fin-type wings then you will know where that idea was fished up from.
Admit that you don't really know which job is right for you. Know that the right job will come to you.
Volunteers come to you because the impact oftheir efforts is amplified by the work that you do. They will want to know whatyou stand for.
Working overtime can easily become a trap if you don't know when working these long hours will come to an end.
You know that the appointment is very important and the doctor will come whenever he has to, but you still keep looking at the time again and again like that would make things move faster.
Just know that you will come begging to the market at first (poor conditions, lower pay) but if you establish yourself you will have options to manage your time better.
We're going to come here. Well, let's, you know, we want to go somewhere halfway through the program, print some intermediate value that will give us some information.
But I do know this: the answers to their problems will not come from a better understanding of compound interest or another explanation that it's important to spend less than you earn.
Though you may not realize this trait of the Cancer woman when you meet her for the first time, once you get to know her more closely you will definitely come to know about this trait of hers.
There will come a day when you know what you want to write about, and then you will write a novel.
Also, your behavior will only increase the number of AD hoc requests that come directly to you, because the requestors will know you are a "soft touch."
Ff you come to Guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are.
"Come with me," she responded. "I don't know the street or number very well; it is in quite the other direction from here, but I know the house well, I will take you to it."
You know, these new customer requirements may be all different, you will cope with not to come over, will keep yourself very tired.
If you have any questions about our price, please let us know without any hesitation. Your will find our reply come out to be satisfactory.
The ability to speak multiple languages is always an impressive skill. You never know when it will come in handy.
Relationships that don't seem important now will come back to you later, though you won't know when or how.
When you find a love, when you know that it exists, then the lover that you miss will come to you on those cold, cold nights.
You guys should know such things will come along with Olympics when decided to host the Olympics.
It's important to know the meaning of a plant before you send it to others as a gift, or trouble will come.
And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab: and he said unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me.
Because the challenges and changes will only help you to find the goals that you know are meant to come true for you.
Because the challenges and changes will only help you to find the goals that you know are meant to come true for you.