You discuss the points with the players and discover that they disagree only on who won the first point in the game.
If you look at the box score, you may think the Heat won this game. Agreed, way too many TOs.
What I am going to tell you is that you won first place in the game.
The overhead kick with which Wayne Rooney won this game was the kind of moment you would only usually see on a computer screen.
OK, yes. I remember now. I think the last time we played this game, you won and I lost.
Then you have to win, you are not concerned with fairness, feeling, the community, or even play. Then you have to win you can't leave the game until you have finally, ultimately won.
Whereas in a board game there's a limited set of moves you can take, and the rules of the game constrain things a bit and the reward signal is also much clearer. You either won or lost.
You look back at the game and say to yourself 'we would have won nine times out of ten'.
Returning from a golf outing, my husband was greeted at the door by Sara, our four-year-old daughter. "Daddy, who won the golf game? You or Uncle Richie?""
I agree with you, skill level plus that freaky longevity, won "t get touched with the speed of todays game unless we make some huge advancements in the medical field."
"Our defense won the game, 'Parker said." When you shoot like that, you need defense to give yourselves a chance to win.'
You can't imagine how they were excited when they won the first place in the game.
We won the battles and at the end we played our own game. The team spirit was fantastic again and when you see that on the pitch, you believe we can win every game.
Since the Rapids were losing at one point in the game, but won it in the end, you can say they came from behind to win the championship.
You think that the game is not won and it breaks your flow a little bit and you come out in the second half and you are not exactly the same.
Landry won this game, he is great but you know what happen in the 1st half, he just HAD TO do that.
The All-Star game, is that you turn the tide, staged a scene's fortunes have reversed, and eventually won the All-Star MVP;
The All-Star game, is that you turn the tide, staged a scene's fortunes have reversed, and eventually won the All-Star MVP;