With the mentality usually treat everything! With a young at heart endure, whatever the results.
Age-liars and birthday-deniers… you'd best learn a thing or two from those who are young at heart.
Whether you are male or female, young or just young at heart, you'll enjoy these colorful characters.
Requirements : Volunteers must be in good health, be young at heart and be able to laugh at our bad jokes.
要求 :必须身体健康,拥有一颗年轻的心,而且能容忍我们的“冷笑话”。
We define "Young" as young at heart because it is the passion that drives us forward and 'Make it happen'.
But does that mean I don't feel super young at heart — despite that my number in years continues to creep up?
I am a middle aged accertive, and energetic male. I am young at heart and believe in living life to the fullest.
Youngsters and the young at heart might expect you to steer them toward the fun activities in your neighborhood.
So here's my suggestion: don't ask for people's age, forget about your own age, and try your best to stay young at heart!
It discovered that if a mum is young at heart and fashion conscious she is more likely to view her daughter as a style expert and copy her.
Eric: Compared to singers my age I might look okay but within the members we're still young at heart. I think that's why it keeps me young.
And da young at heart one in five have picked up an injury doing something which they confessed 'I should know better than to attempt at my age'.
Young At Heart travels to many nursing homes and senior centers in the area and tap dances for people who don't get to go out very much any more.
Personally, I think I'm the kind of person who is young at heart. But my young-at-heart confidence is simply nothing when compared with some westerners.
In landlocked Beijing, the young and young at heart alike can have a closer look at Marine life from different parts of the world at the Beijing Aquarium.
People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom. But Americans seem to favor those that are young or at least "young at heart."
People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom. But Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least "young at heart."
Young at heart couples love to remind guests of their fun and whimsical relationship with a comedic wedding cake topper such as the bride dragging the groom by the collar of his shirt.
The Young Chinese Professionals (YCP) is a dynamic network of globally-minded, young at heart Chinese professionals who represent their respective industries and fields across Scotland.
苏格兰青年华人精英会汇集着在苏格兰各个领域的华人专业人士。 这些华人专业人士具有着国际观和一颗年轻的心。
The character of Peter Pan has moved beyond books, movies , plays, and cartoons into a symbol of freedom and happiness that is often felt while one is young or at least, young at heart.
The authors say more research is needed on the topic, but suggest it could be that those who feel "young at heart" have healthier behaviors and more resilience, giving them a stronger will to live.
But still of course I'm quite young look and young at heart but you know maybe people think that, "Oh, he's getting too old to become an idol," but which in fact I don't want to be an idol anymore.
The young in particular are willing to accept this concept because at heart every child wants to grow into a happy, healthy contributing adult.
People at greatest risk for catching H1N1 include young people ages 6 months to 25 years, pregnant women, and people with chronic health conditions like asthma, diabetes or heart and lung disease.
At its heart is a cluster of three deeply embedded young stars, which are each several thousand times brighter than the sun.
The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.
Or maybe it’s just because at such a young age, we haven’t had much practice in the art of dealing with a broken heart.
Or maybe it’s just because at such a young age, we haven’t had much practice in the art of dealing with a broken heart.