Since you're young, you'll need a fairly high level of estrogen to mimic the level found in women of your age group.
Right away, you befriend your roommates - the loveliest human beings in your age group - and begin sharing your feelings.
Whether you hope to win your age group in a local 5-k or run a sub-2:19 marathon to qualify for the 2012 Men's Olympic Trials, the long run can help you accomplish that goal.
无论您的目标是赢得当地年龄组的5 -K,或马拉松跑进2:19赢得2012年男子奥林匹克预选赛资格,长距离跑都能助您一臂之力。
"What does your market research consist of?"—"Well, the thing is, it depends on our target age group."
Since you're reaching the majority of the teachers in your target age group, you're probably spending your money well, which brings us to the third M—Money.
You are going to school with a group of students of your age, and we have several suggestions for you to follow.
This decline continues for the rest of your life, or at least until retirement, where it plateaus, probably due to reduced data among this age group.
You'll be dealing with many people from different backgrounds, countries, and more importantly different age groups, so it would be wise to learn how to socialize outside your own group.
Be careful to ensure that the books are current and are directed to your child's age group.
If you do not appear in an age group or metro area, your records are probably incomplete.
If you are in this age group and do have a part-time job you're allowed to spend some of your money but do need learn!
There are many excellent and exciting games for your son's age group that encourage thinking and problem-solving.
There are many excellent and exciting games for your son's age group that encourage thinking and problem-solving.