Allowing adventurous users to sniff around your files (especially your server configuration files) is not a good policy, but amazingly only 20% of current Web sites are secure.
You're not likely to hear about this from your doctor, but fake medical treatment can work amazingly well.
The Magic Tricycle sounds like something your four year old daughter might drive in the back yard, but it's actually an amazingly clever transforming motorcycle.
It's a tiny change - all you have to do is say, 'That wasn't good or bad, it just happened, it just is.' it's tiny, but it takes practice, and amazingly, it can knock you on your ass.
It is not without mistakes, but it is amazingly accurate, especially when you've used it for a while and it has gotten used to your voice and way of speaking.
Amazingly, the ridges of your fingerprints enable you to discern surface details on the order of a few microns.
I am so amazingly happy and content and forever I want to spend in your life, in your world, in your family, and in your arms.
You and I both know, though, how many powerful insights you have and how amazingly accurate your instincts can be.
I post enlargement of some of his drawing on the board. If you can compare them to those in your texts, you can see that his are amazingly accurate.
After a year during which changes have opened your life to new people, ideas and activities, you've learned that what's most disruptive can also be amazingly exciting.
Amazingly enough, your phone rings in area 215.
The interface is amazingly easy and intuitive, the quality of your product and service are far exceeded my expectations.
You may be moving house, and if so, you've got the amazingly friendly lunar eclipse, August 5, to set your plans in motion.
Using a thesaurus and picking out descriptive words to describe the best sides of your sweetheart work amazingly well too.
But, amazingly enough, the Linux community at large seems to be much more open to the concept of paying for your software than the Mac community.
It's a glutinous side dish that's perfect for practicing your chopstick skills, for sopping up curry sauce and, amazingly, for building really strong pagodas.
Amazingly I have been here at this College for almost 7 months now and it is true what people say, "time really does fly when your having fun".
Amazingly I have been here at this College for almost 7 months now and it is true what people say, "time really does fly when your having fun".