If you want to brand your company name, then choose a domain name that reflects it.
We then use the native image display facilities in GTK to display a company logo showing your company name.
Use each one appropriately and make sure to emphasize correct key phrases (such as your name or your company name).
Using the same font, put the rest of your company name, or some other descriptive phrase, underneath the main header.
From name: this is for who the email will appear from to customers. We suggest you use your company name in this field.
Sure, if prospects type in your company name into Google, your site may rank very high—but that's not how people search.
yourSuffix is to the suffix of your company's identifier; for example, the com from ibm.com.yourCompanyName is your company name.
yourSuffix 就是公司标示符的后缀;例如,来自 ibm.com的com。yourCompanyName 就是您所在公司的名称。
It would make sense displaying your company name in the homepage, contact page, and about page but avoid them in content pages.
Please note that it is not a generic risk assessment that you can just put your company name on and adopt wholesale without any thought.
Create unlimited business identity sets for all your business and personal needs that include your company name, contact information, and logo.
Join Twitter and then search for your company name, your product, your competition's name or product name, or market sector terms from your business.
As sports are incredibly popular on TV, having your company name on a shirt or cap means that millions or ever billions will associate your company with the sport.
What's in a name? Apparently, more than you'd expect. Perhaps it'll help you land that next job or rise to the top of your company.
You can set up phrases such as a company name as an entity, then type the entity throughout your content.
Search on your own company name to see if it's being mentioned in the blogosphere.
Creating a great brand name is almost half the battle in establishing your company or your product.
With regard to domain names, be sure that whomever you have register the domain name, that they register it under the name of your company rather than theirs.
My name is Liu Fang from M&H company, a company in China. I called because I was wondering if your company would be interested in a new product we have developed.
It is true that the bigger the name of the company where you do work experience the better it looks on your CV.
Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
Well, Goodbody & Company is supposed to have your shares but they generally hold them in what's called "Street name."
(If you do not see the Customize button (Figure 2) on the layout next to the Name field, then your company has not granted individual users this privilege.)
(If you do not see the Customize button (Figure 2) on the layout next to the Name field, then your company has not granted individual users this privilege.)