High cholesterol comes from a variety of sources, including your family history and what you eat.
Also, knowing about your family history, if there has been any family related difference such as bi-polar, etc in the family.
'Looking at your family history is simpler, cheaper and at the moment, gives you more information than a genetic test,' says Dr.
You may be energized to make changes in your home or other property, or, conversely, seek to learn more about your family history.
But in those days it was difficult to look into your family history, whereas these days there is much easier access to information.
Know your family history, what lifestyle changes you can make to reduce risk, and what to ask doctors to look out for during routine visits.
Grand Hotels: As one of the well-known figures in the modern business history, can you briefly tell us something about your family history?
You will also see several relatives who are dear to you that you've not seen in years and you will have your chance to ask questions about your family history.
Your surname may be derived from a place, such as Lancaster, for example, or an occupation, such as Weaver, but this is not necessarily of relevance to your family history.
And they ask you questions about your lifestyle and your family history, your medication history, your surgical history, your allergy history... did I forget any history?
The best response to this information is not, however, to panic and avoid strenuous exercise, Dr. Thompson said. The best response is "to know your family history of sudden death," he said.
When slave labour camps are part of your family history, you may feel a bit queasy about seeking friendship with a country whose system of prison labour looks unpleasantly similar to the Soviet gulag.
You could ask your grandparents to tell you stories about family history, their childhood and their youth.
If you have a problem, knowing your medical and family history and current conditions can speed up diagnosis and treatment.
Protect yourself: If there's a history of high blood sugar or diabetes in your family, have your blood sugar tested regularly.
Your family doctor can help your daughter set realistic goals for body mass index and weight based on her personal weight history and overall health.
If you have a family history of breast cancer (mother, aunt, grandmother or sister) and have an early abortion at a young age, your chances of getting breast cancer before age 45 are increased 800%!
If your medical history is decent, they give you a follow-up call to ask a few questions, so you have to be ready to explain any anomalous conditions or deaths in your family tree.
Research Something Have you ever wondered about your family tree, or the history of a building on the corner of your street?
Some things can’t be controlled (your age, family history of diseases, gender). But others can.
The doctor may refer you to a mental health professional, who should discuss with you any family history of depression or other mental disorder, and get a complete history of your symptoms.
This means your personal or family history of breast cancer doesn't follow any regular pattern of inheritance.
Family history is much more than a family tree and a photo album. It is also a collection of stories which become your family folklore.
If you have a family history of an inherited anemia, such as sickle cell anemia, talk to your doctor and possibly a genetic counselor about your risk and what risks you may pass on to your children.
What's a woman to do? It all depends on your age and family history, says Thomas.
The doctor might also ask if you have a "family history" of a disease, meaning that other people in your family have had the same thing.
医生还问Helen是不是有ahistoryof thesesymptoms,这就是问她是不是有这个病史,是不是老毛病吧?
The doctor might also ask if you have a "family history" of a disease, meaning that other people in your family have had the same thing.
医生还问Helen是不是有ahistoryof thesesymptoms,这就是问她是不是有这个病史,是不是老毛病吧?