Many people assume that the risk of getting cancer increases if someone in your immediate family have cancer.
You may be sprucing up your home for guests or putting up festive decorations for your immediate family to enjoy.
The greatest of all tests are those at home, with your immediate family. Therefore, home is an excellent place to grow.
If your immediate family are supportive and loving, your news will bring them anxiety and pain, but could also strengthen your relationship.
In these circumstances, we will similarly extend the period of validity of Tickets of other members of your immediate family accompanying you.
Or perhaps your daughter felt you might tell other people outside the immediate family whom she was not yet prepared to let in on her secret.
This includes the immediate family of both individuals, and your closest friends.
You may be able to get a green card as an immediate relative or as a family member in a preference category if your u. S. citizen relative files a Form I-130, Petition for Alien relative, for you.
如果你的美国公民的亲戚为异国的你填写一个表格i- 130,你可以作为一个至亲、家人享有优先权而获得绿卡。
"I don't want people to have immediate access to me," she says. "it's a bit creepy knowing that some complete stranger may know who your family and friends are before you've even met the person."
Ask several relatives or friends who live outside your immediate area (approximately 100 miles away) to act as a clearing house for information about you and your family after a disaster.
In fact, it's likely that you maintain close connections with members of your immediate and distant family.
An immediate family member (parent, sibling), friend, or someone with whom you're romantically involved may be under stress and require your help.
An immediate family member (parent, sibling), friend, or someone with whom you're romantically involved may be under stress and require your help.