When you take your food next time, take care of the food that you are taking. Because the food you take determines your character.
Take all of your paid time off, which not only gives you recovery periods, but raises your productivity and likelihood of promotion.
If you don't make it to class, contact your TA, your recitation instructor, and you can take makeup within a week of the time of the original test.
Do you realize that every time you take a step, the bones in your hip are subjected to forces between four and five times your body weight?
After starting your task or project, take out your favorite calendar app and start "blocking" out time in your schedule to complete the task.
As you gain new contacts throughout the year, take time to add them to your database for your business greeting card group.
You can use the extra time to work on your career, volunteer in your community, or take classes for job advancement or just for personal enrichment.
Take your time - Its way too easy to blaze through your routine without taking the time to accurately reflect on your thoughts.
Take time to identify any supporting habits that will support your main habit, thereby supporting your primary goal as well.
Before you begin your job search in earnest, take time to learn the characteristics of the Agile community in your job market.
Your response to the demands of the world determines your stress level. Take time to consider common stressors and how they affect you.
It's time to take a Big Picture look at your life -how are you spending your time right now?
It's time to take a Big Picture look at your life - how are you spending your time right now?
Cooking and cleaning can be complicated things, and they can take your time away from your kids.
It will take your time, your energy, and your advice-to push us forward when we're doing right, and to let us know when we're not.
If you're in a hurry, you might nod curtly and be on your way; but you could decide to take your time, smile back and repeat the message before you go.
Practice gratefulness and mindfulness, practice happiness, take time for yourself, your family, your friends, do whatever you need to feel good about yourself.
If you donâ t take time to mingle before the presentation, you lose an opportunity to enhance your credibility with your listeners.
If you don't take responsibility, "it will hurt your performance, erode your satisfaction further, and make your time at the job worse," she says.
Take time for yourself — This habit for highly successful women is my favorite: take time to recharge your batteries and refuel your emotional, spiritual, and physical energy.
If you are capable of brushing your teeth in mindfulness, then you will be able to enjoy the time when you take a shower, cook your breakfast, sip your tea.
Take your time, and don't think about it - feel into it. Be kind with yourself. Your power is in your choices.
Explain to your interviewer that while you enjoyed your job, you wanted to take time to recharge your batteries, physically and mentally.
If you just cannot take your mind off the exciting event, try relaxing your body one part of a time.
It is important to take your time in life and spend as much time as needed accomplishing your goals.
Don't wait until something's gone before you are grateful - your sight, your health, your family - take some time to appreciate these wonderful things.
If you do care about your health and your body, however, take a look at the harmful effects of soda consumption over time.
Looking after your financial health doesn't take a lot of time; but it could save your life.
Don't look at this as a quick fix for something. Take your time getting into your practice and stick with it! Slow and steady.
Don't look at this as a quick fix for something. Take your time getting into your practice and stick with it! Slow and steady.