Respect this by being easy to do business with and running your company for the convenience of your customers, not yourself.
And the way you show respect for a philosopher is by taking those arguments seriously and asking yourself, do they work or not?
There's no reason you cannot do this while holding yourself to high standards of openness, honesty, fairness, and respect.
The person might try to talk you into staying but be firm — respect yourself and your time and the changes you’re trying to make.
When you respect yourself, you'll be amazed at the opportunities the world presents you.
Surround yourself with people who love and respect you. Choose to be with the people who bring out the best in you.
Try using "manager's kanban" and dedicate yourself to solving X problem, let the team choose, they need to respect the cap and let them see that you are solving problems of their choice.
That if you stay where you are, you'll be unhappy and bored and not respect yourself.
And you are asked to respect this, to take a step backwards and to concentrate entirely on yourself, on your own light.
To avoid the combat mentality, you need to go further - you need to respect the person you're talking to, and you need to respect yourself.
It's most effective if you put that 15-minute block of time right on your calendar and respect the appointment with yourself as if it were a meeting with Warren Buffet, Oprah, or Tiger Woods.
The question you need to ask yourself is whether any of the companies currently doing business with your office has anything to offer with respect to your interests.
Show respect to everyone (Mr Levine cautions that reaching across someone’s tray at the dining hall is a good way to get yourself “stuck”, or stabbed).
Instead, you want to ask yourself what role these types of people are playing with respect to the use cases.
These traditions demonstrate respect, reverence, and appreciation for both the meal itself, and the person who made it (which may be yourself).
Respect: By understanding of yourself and others, let the children can learn to respect himself, and others. respect all the difference growth and personal views.
On the other hand, if you work to improve yourself and do not depend solely on the energies of Venus to get ahead, you will win the respect and love of just about everyone you meet.
The most important is respect, you should respect other people like respect yourself, or they won't resepct you.
The key is always to respect yourself and others, and to have an open mind to make note of what differences there may be.
That is, you are yourself in a way that creates respect and affection, but not conflict.
You are showing that you respect yourself--and that is how you gain respect from others.
By taking massive action when you are full of energy and by allowing yourself to relax when you are in a state of calm, you respect and honor yourself.
Find the nerve, find the respect for yourself and the other person and just lay it out there and more importantly, just be honest.
If you don't respect yourself, it opens the door for your friends, co-workers, classmates, peers, and even family members to disrespect you as well.
Their inner suffering for yourself, to others is to don't respect of suffering.
Honor is living by the virtues, showing great respect for yourself, other people, and the rules you live by, when you are honorable, you keep your word.
You are who you are, and as long as you treat people with respect, stand up for what you believe in, avoid arrogance and love yourself wholeheartedly, you can't go wrong.
You are who you are, and as long as you treat people with respect, stand up for what you believe in, avoid arrogance and love yourself wholeheartedly, you can't go wrong.