CLifford loves the presents, the parties, and the yummy food.
Sitting on a hill, a belly full of yummy food, and looking out on a clear tranquil lake, made me feel close to God.
Next, the researchers trained the dogs to understand that a bowl on one side of a room was full of yummy food, while a bowl on the other side was empty.
I did many things... eat lots of yummy food, met up good friends, walked around the streets like an ordinary person (although I was always approached by passersby) and the feeling was great.
Fat not only makes all food taste more satisfying, but — as it binds with seasoning — it can transform vegetables from a duty-diet item to something downright yummy, Klein says.
When I was young, I thanked my parents for the beautiful clothes and delicious food, just paying attention to the grace of flowers and the yummy of fruits in this paradise.
I started tasting the food one by one. Everything looked very yummy.
Today, I am very happy and I am lucky. Because today, we went to ate Chinese food. It really tastes yummy.
In the end, I ate yummy Italy food, looked at the green leaves which covered the second floor, and walked around.
Browse through my Beijing album and you will know how yummy the food is in Beijing!
A comparative psychologist at the Max Plank Institute in Germany, named Michael Tomasello ran a series of tests on dogs, in which they had to find which sealed container had yummy dog food in it.
These two treats are as yummy as they get. Traditional Dutch food enjoyed for generations and still as popular today.
These two treats are as yummy as they get. Traditional Dutch food enjoyed for generations and still as popular today.