The requirement that your turns sum to zero is necessary to keep you from getting caught in certain loops, such as one shaped like a capital G (try it out on paper to see what I mean).
转身数的总和必须是零,这是为了避免陷入某些环路,比如大写字母 G形状的环路(在纸上试着走一下这个形状,就会明白我的意思)。
Project Zero does not include support for Ruby by default, but that doesn't mean that Ruby programmers have to drop their favorite language to use this new platform.
But any detectable deviation from zero would mean that the laws of physics were different there (and then) from those that pertain in the neighbourhood of the Earth.
If I take the dot product But now, what does it mean that the dot product between OP and a is zero?
When the Duke scientists say "ultra-cool" they mean uber-cooled to around 150 micro-Kelvin — that's only a few billionths of a degree Kelvin above absolute zero.
That doesn’t mean that “passionate love goes to zero, ” but it does decline once we’ve gotten to know our partner, what they like to do, what their routines are and so on.
他说,这并不能说明双方的热情就此消失,而是渐渐减退。 因为当我们越来越了解自己的伴侣,知道他们的爱好,他们的习性等等,那种新鲜感就会日益减少了。
This quantity is exactly zero for an ideal gas and we'll discover why eventually it has to do with what we mean by an ideal gas it turns out.
OK, so that's the problem. I mean, if you try to integrate, we've said everywhere where it's defined, 0 the curl is zero. So, what you would be integrating would be zero.
To examine noise immunity of algorithms, pseudorandom noise mean of which is zero is added to the test image' Some considerations the for implementing these algorithms are presented.
Theroy and simulation study have shown that this detection system is very sensitive to weak sine signal under strong noise and can effectively restrain any strong noise which has zero mean.
The simulation experiments shows that chaotic detection system is very sensitive to square wave signal and have strong restrain ability to any colored noise with zero mean.
And the weight of each filter is updated using Bayes theory based on the assumption that the difference between estimate and measurement bearings obeys Gaussian distributions with zero mean error.
Numerical solutions agree with supersonic linearized potential flow theory as a special case when the mean angle of attack tends to zero and with piston theory in hypersonic case.
Vibrational control is referred to the effect of changing the properties of dynamic systems caused by introduction of high_frequency vibrations with zero mean value.
Zero. Even I don't think there's anyone who would take it to that extent. I mean, bringing your career to a complete halt like that. It's like, are you stupid?
Simulation experiments show that the chaos detection system is very sensitive to weak signal and have strong constraint to any colored noise with zero mean value.
What does write (2) return of zero mean and will I eventually make progress (non-zero result)?
Besides, the concept and relevant computation formulae for the effects from the non-tide, mean tide and zero tide are derived.
The experiment data analysis results show that the clock residual error of monitor station after fitting by 1st order polynomial is approximately taken as noise with zero mean.
It doesn't mean that the muscle voluntary signal is zero while the MSG is zero yet its function may be improved by treatment.
The algorithms have good security and the mean of watermark sequences is close to zero, preparing for following two algorithms.
When the mean of random variables is zero, the solution is shown to reduce a known result for the value of the integral over the first quadrant.
The network executor interprets a value of zero to mean that it is the responsibility of the underlying network stack to wait for the time out interval.
Normal working hours at Discharging Port shall mean from 0 (zero) to 24 (twenty-four) o 'clock, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
RANDN (n) is an N-by-N matrix with random entries, chosen from a normal distribution with mean zero, variance one and standard deviation one.
是一个n - n矩阵随机作品,选自正态分布均值为零,方差一个标准偏差为一。
RANDN (n) is an N-by-N matrix with random entries, chosen from a normal distribution with mean zero, variance one and standard deviation one.
是一个n - n矩阵随机作品,选自正态分布均值为零,方差一个标准偏差为一。