Quality improvement Programs: Does management have a genuine commitment to develop a quality improvement program that strives for continuous improvement and zero-defect mentality?
The implementation of zero defect quality management will help the company to achieve world class zero defect quality in design, manufacturing and service.
Our Company has established a young technical and management team, implemented human and scientific management and zero defect control on products in accordance with ISO9001 Quality management System.
公司拥有一支年轻的专业技术和管理人才,实行人性化的科学管理,按照ISO 9001质量体系要求,对产品质量零缺陷控制。
Six Sigma technology turned operation into mathematical statistics, the pursuit of zero defect quality management concepts used in the steel business for some time.
The article mainly discusses case history quality management under the "Zero Defect" management model of medical quality.
The fine management is a new management idea to take the realization of "zero defect:" as the fundamental objective.
The management and control on manufacture quality is an important part in ISO9000. Quality consists in entire lifecycle of a production. Zero defect production is an ideal object.
制造质量管理和控制是ISO 9000中的重要内容,制造产品的质量存在于产品整个生命周期,进行零废品生产是制造者追求的理想。
Based on that, the thesis brings forward a new idea that the standard of the educational management is "zero defect" and the approach of management is "prevention".
An introduction is made of the main contents and forms of building quality culture by means of zero-defect management.
Then the paper discusses the theory-zero defect quality management. The aim is to search the reasons that cause to lower the teaching quality. Firstly, there is a lack of proper quality conceptions.
In modern quality management systems, the objective of the quality improvement is to have a zero-defect product, and to make the process mean closing to its target, the variance closing to zero.
Drive the manufacturing excellence and lean manufacturing in the whole factory operation (5s, Shop Floor Management, Waste Reduction, Productivity Improvement, Zero Defect, JIT manufacturing... etc.)
Drive the manufacturing excellence and lean manufacturing in the whole factory operation (5s, Shop Floor Management, Waste Reduction, Productivity Improvement, Zero Defect, JIT manufacturing... etc.)