This is not quite a zero sum game: the global economy is, after all, expanding healthily at present.
The confident person doesn't shy from a challenge or competition, but they also know success is not a zero sum game.
The increasing prevalence of the Internet in everyday life means that language online is not a zero sum game. Instead, it allows multiple languages to flourish.
They believe they're playing a zero-sum game, where both must compete for the same resources.
Oil pricing became a zero-sum game: every rise in prices benefited producers at the cost of consumers, and every reduction in price benefited consumers at the expense of producers.
Labour mobility is not a zero-sum game: both senders and recipients win, as new jobs are created.
We've already talked about how security selection is a zero-sum game.
We need to add something to the curriculum, and unfortunately, curriculum development is a zero-sum game.
There is no reason to think we will not be competitive, and it is not a zero-sum game.
I actually do believe that there's at least a certain amount of zero-sum game, because as long as everybody talks about Kyoto, that's the only real issue on the agenda.
The Kremlin sees its relationship with the West as a zero-sum game: if it resurges, America will decline.
An Asia bond would not be a self-centred zero-sum game.
Really, the question about how we compete with the traditional engine assumes some type of zero-sum game.
“It’s not a zero-sum game if you’re getting a good match between employees and firms,” Sorenson says.
For too long, policymakers, lawmakers, and voters have treated competitiveness as a zero-sum game, in which another nation's gain is necessarily the United States' loss.
It can take time for people, having seen that they are playing a non-zero-sum game, to adjust their attitudes accordingly.
Moreover, economics is not a zero-sum game: so far, a bigger China has helped to enrich America.
But he stressed that "pursuit of power is no longer a zero-sum game" and that Georgia and Ukraine were entitled to their sovereignty.
This tends to be a zero-sum game that benefits customers only, and leaves the operator with the least cash broke.
Power does not need to be a zero-sum game and nations need not fear the success of each other.
The root of the problem is a “scarcity mentality in which people see things as a zero-sum game”, he says.
The root of the problem is a "scarcity mentality in which people see things as a zero-sum game", he says.
So, after taking into account the market impact, and the commissions, and the fees, this zero-sum game becomes a negative-sum game.
Despite these problems the trucking game has the advantage of being what game theorists call a non-zero-sum game.
尽管有以上这些问题存在,这个卡车运货游戏还是拥有被博弈理论家称为“非零和博弈(non - zero - sum game)”的优点。
Despite these problems the trucking game has the advantage of being what game theorists call a non-zero-sum game.
尽管有以上这些问题存在,这个卡车运货游戏还是拥有被博弈理论家称为“非零和博弈(non - zero - sum game)”的优点。