Yet we react-or more accurately, overreact-to Way of Life crises as if these challenges were the same as having a meteor zeroing in on our planet.
Meanwhile, researchers are also zeroing in on other ancient molecules, such as RNA and collagen.
Boosts blood circulation in your brain by zeroing in on your brain's tiny blood vessels so they can deliver oxygen more efficiently. It even helps your brain use oxygen better.
A new M_ZERO flag for malloc allows for memory allocation and zeroing in a single operation.
If you're reporting on an issue rather than an event, first get the reader interested by zeroing in onthe main players and their conflict.
The MESSENGER spacecraft is zeroing in on Venus for the most significant gravity assist maneuver of its long journey to Mercury.
So the researchers have been zeroing in on specific "attractants" that could be used to lure mosquitoes into a trap.
Some of these new briefcase makers are zeroing in on precision functionality to transcend the bag's sepia-toned origins.
Now we're going to start zeroing in on exactly how you can align your mental environment in order to accept the risk and function like a professional trader.
After considering all possible options, we are zeroing in on this one.
Thus, the zeroing problem can be basically solved by sunlight bleaching in the sediment dating.
We're a long way from pinpointing the genetic underpinnings of such traits, but researchers are already zeroing in on a few genes that may affect brain and behavior.
The linearization of nonlinear transducer and the automatic detecting of zero drift and the self-zeroing can be all implemented in the circuit by this generator.
这种函数发生器可以完成非线性传感器的线性化处理和对测量放。 大电路的零点漂移进行自动检测和自动修正。
It is also zeroing in on areas where it has particular strengths, such as equities and foreign-exchange trading.
The TL ages of 4 fluvial deposit samples have been determined and the light bleaching is used in zeroing.
Rick got the Hellcat in his sights even while Karen was zeroing in on another Inorganic, an Odeon that had been circling toward the children by the fire pit.
Today's meetings also discussed a number of issues including Planetary Boundaries, Zeroing in and Acidifying Oceans. Possible solutions were brought up for discussion.
Investigators are zeroing in on the Utah Department of Workforce Services.
A bird zeroing in on a flag-footed bug perched on a passionflower might see the flutter of red "flags"—the insect's attempt to divert the hunter's bite to nonessential limbs, away from its vital core.
Expect to spend weeks or months zeroing in on the companies that fit your dream job ideal.
Expect to spend weeks or months zeroing in on the companies that fit your dream job ideal.