You can download all of the examples in this section as the downloadable ZIP file (see download).
The download ZIP file contains the completed EAR module and the code listings used in this tutorial.
If this is the first time you run the script, the ZIP file will be created new.
Customer self-service enterprise sample application (source and binaries), contained in the downloadable ZIP file at the end of this article.
Download the ZIP file that contains all the sample code and forms from the Download section of this article.
Download the zip file that contains files used for this sample from the Downloads section at the end of this article.
All three of these databases are contained within the ZIP file in the Download section of this article.
Decompress this zip file to the root of the c: drive on the server machine. They will be correctly located by the API Sample application.
As with all files saved in OpenOffice native format, this is actually a ZIP file that contains a set of XML and other support files — a bundling known as the OpenOffice package format.
To test your vertical clones, you can download download this ZIP file and deploy the portlet WAR file.
要测试您的垂直克隆,请在“下载该ZIp文件”中进行下载,然后部署portlet WAR文件。
The files that are applicable to this example are included in a downloadable zip file for your convenience.
Use the sample scripts and data provided in the accompanying zip file (see Download section) to demonstrate the concepts in this tutorial.
Extract this zip file to c: \ PHP \ ext.
将此zip文件解压缩到c: \php \ext。
This article includes a zip file (see the download) that has two examples of transforming NIEM XML Constraint XML Schemas directly into an XForms application.
本文提供一个zip文件(见下载),其中包含两个将NIEM约束XMLSchema直接转换为X Forms应用程序的示例。
If you downloaded and unzipped the zip file, you can find this file in the Cloudscape_Ajax_Demo/src/cloudscape/ajax directory.
如果您下载并解压了前文所述的zip文件,那么可以在 Cloudscape_Ajax_Demo/src/cloudscape/ajax 目录中找到这个文件。
To access the sample code used within this project, download the zip file (see Resources section), expand the zip file into your filesystem, and then import the contained project into Eclipse.
Zip file for the project; as of this writing, the latest version available was Quick 4.3.1, accessed through the Quick4.3.1.
在我写本文时,最新的可用版本是Quick 4.3.1,可通过Quick4.3.1 .zip文件得到。
The above code is obtained from the file txtserver.c, which is included in the ZIP file attached at the end of this article.
前面的代码来自文件txtserver . c,该文件在本文后面附带的zip文件中。
You can download the file by clicking on the Code icon at the top or bottom of this paper. The zip file contains the following files
You can download the file by clicking on the Code icon at the top or bottom of this article. The zip file contains the following files
Download the ZIP file that contains all sample code and forms from the Download section of this article.
Enablement, which explains how to deal with the zip file available for download from this article, which gives you a complete example that you can reuse.
The included download ZIP file contains completed EAR modules and the code listings used in this tutorial.
Download the ZIP file and unpack it to a location easy to remember; in this article, I refer to that location as FLEX_HOME.
In the ZIP archive that accompanies this article, I've included the WBXML file from Figure 1 and its translation in XML (see Resources).
The zip file in the Download section of this article includes a script named addsystem that you can use to automate the editing of the dhcpd.conf file.
本文下载小节的压缩文件包含一个名为addsystem的脚本,您可以使用它来自动化dhcpd.conf 文件的编辑过程。
Associated with this article is a ZIP file that contains a ZIP archive of our Eclipse project workspace.
Most important, this is where Grails discovers the URL for the ZIP file that actually contains the plug-in.
更重要的是,在这里,Grails 可以发现实际包含这些插件的ZIP文件所对应的URL。
A partial application: With this option, you can build a zip file that contains a group of files that are added, updated, or deleted in the application.
The zip file in the Download section of this article includes a sample script named autoinstall.