In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message hidden within the work.
If some other party discovered the secret, though, the message exchange would be compromised, with potentially devastating results for the parties to the exchange.
Receiving the reply from KDC, client then decrypts the message using its own secret key.
In some applications, it only needs to be verified by some recipients while keeping the message secret from public.
Using XML encryption lets you keep your message content secret when operating over any type of connection, even when untrusted intermediaries are involved in the processing.
An asymmetric algorithm USES a different key for encrypting or decrypting the message; one of the keys must be kept secret, and the other key is usually made public.
The SSL Server responds with a message similarly encrypted with the secret key, indicating that the Server part of the handshake is complete.
In this case, a sender might encrypt the message using the receiver's public key, but only the receiver has the secret key that is used to decrypt the message.
The SSL Client sends a message encrypted with the secret key, indicating that the Client part of the SSL handshake is complete.
“Next, you dip a toothpick into the lemon juice, like this, ” I said. “And you write a secret message on plain white paper.”
The signature component of the message (see Listing 6) provides the proof of possession of the Secret Key id.
A research team at Harvard analyzed the secret message, and, according to Lafferty's summary of its findings, it had never seen "sixteenth-century ink act as it does on that particular document."
WS-Security USES XML Encryption to keep message content secret from all but the intended recipient, generally by building on public keys wrapped in digital certificates.
WS - Security使用XMLEncryption保护消息内容不被非目标接收者获取,其方法通常是使用封装在数字证书中的公共密匙。
This is Firefox's way of telling Amazon that it's going to start using the agreed upon secret to encrypt its next message.
If the values match, the recipient can then be certain (within the limits of current technology, and assuming that you've kept your private key secret) that the message is from you.
Forms authentication not only writes the user's name into the cookie, it adds a message authentication code (a hash formed from the cookie and a secret value that only the Web server knows).
We will assume that Imran sends an XML message (Listing 8) in response to Listing 7 (recall that Listing 7 contains an encrypted secret key whose name is "Imran Ali").
The alternative is symmetric encryption, but with symmetric encryption you must have a secret key known only to the parties involved in a message exchange.
You've seen in this article how symmetric encryption, using client-generated secret keys, can be used to secure message exchanges without the need for client certificates.
This policy specifies encryption of message bodies sent in both directions, using a client-generated secret key.
A symmetric algorithm requires that both the sender and receiver of the message use the same secret key; this is often referred to as secret key cryptography.
What awful incantation have you read among the stars in the sky, that with a sealed secret message the night entered your heart, silent and strange?
你从天上的星星中,念到什么可怕的咒语,就是黑夜沉默而异样地走进你心中时带来的那个密封的秘密的消息? ?
"And when you want to read a secret invisible message," said Sam, "you push the hair-dryer button on this part of the machine, and..."
To encrypt a message, the sender, known conventionally as Alice, scrambles it using a secret key before sending it to the receiver, Bob.
And in his short story "the Vane Sisters," an acrostic reveals an unexpected twist. (Take the first letter of each word in the last paragraph and string them together to find the secret message.)
We intercepted and decoded a secret message from their embassy.
First up: Each girl receives a message about a personal secret she wants no one else to know.
Finally, the covered characters at embedded locations are translated from the location of secret message along with hidden information.
Finally, the covered characters at embedded locations are translated from the location of secret message along with hidden information.