• 只是偶然机会邀请参加一次上述会议

    It was only by chance that I was invited to one of the meetings I mentioned earlier on.


  • 一个偶然机会应聘成为一家跨国集团总裁秘书

    An accidental opportunity, she responds to a call for recruits into a transnational group President's secretary.


  • 生活方式,一个偶然机会按照爸爸创意踩。

    It's a way of life, a chance to follow in my Dad's creative foot steps.


  • 大学期间偶然的机会得到了一个影视制作公司实习的机会

    In college, I got an occasional opportunity to be an intern in a film and television making company.


  • 一个偶然的机会认识企业家刘志成先生,摄影的痴迷拉近我们距离

    I got to know entrepreneur Liu Zhicheng accidentally. However, his passion and infatuation for photography made us very close at once.


  • 一个偶然机会同时认识爱上位佳丽:做空姐SALLY时装的祖儿。

    An accidental opportunity, simultaneously knows and falls in love with two beautiful women: Is ancestor who stewardess's SALLY and opens the fashionable clothing room.


  • 通过偶然机会宇宙学家们第一测量到了九十亿光年之外某个螺旋星系一个关键性质

    By exploiting a lucky accident, astronomers have for the first time measured a key property of a spiral galaxy located more than nine billion light-years away.


  • 2000年,一个偶然的机会得到龙山文化晚期商代早期古玉后,便开始专心研古玉。

    In 2000, a chance, get a few late Longshan Culture and the early Shang Dynasty jade, I started to concentrate on detailed research jade.


  • 允许这样称呼你们因为只是一个偶然机会看到了你们网站,也知道到底应当如何称呼你们!

    Please allow me to call you, because I browsed your web in fortuitous chance only. So, I don't know How to call you is properly.


  • 这颗黏菌应该跟着地下水改道慢慢移动金字塔下面的,一个偶然的机会进入到了墓室的夯土层。

    I would like to slime diversion of groundwater should be followed, and slowly move to the pyramid, following a chance, it springs from the ground into the tomb of the rammed earth floor.


  • 但是偶然的机会发现已故祖父一个破旧功能齐全实验室,正是这个发现使得这位年轻人确定了他化学热情

    But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather's home that solidified the young man's enthusiasm for chemistry.


  • 很多原因让可能无法得到这个工作或者你可能偶然发现一个更好机会

    For a variety of reasons you might not get the job, or you might stumble upon an even better opportunity.


  • 一个偶然的机会遗弃爱达山上,在那经受风吹雨淋日晒

    So he was regarded as likely to bring destruction on the city, and was by chance exposed to the sun, wind and rain on Mt. Ida.


  • 他们的束缚中解脱目的是,自然事物机会之上舞动在,一个天堂意外伤舞动,天堂纯洁,天堂的偶然性,天堂的丰富。

    Redeemed from their bondage under purpose the things of nature dance on the feet of chance and above each one the heaven accident, the heaven innocence, the heaven contingency, the heaven exuberance.


  • 那些能够利用偶然机会自信并且能够承担风险女性她们通常一个强健的支持系统

    Women who take advantage of happenstance have competence, self-confidence, and the ability to take risks. They also have a strong support system.


  • 一次偶然的机会两个女人一起吃午餐,其中一个一些小事弄得很不愉快

    On occasion, the two women went to lunch and she came home offended by some pettiness.


  • 不是个偶然机会拿起一把本该用来摘除恶性组织手术刀却开始来杀害健康人变态者的杰作。

    Nor is it the work of a pervert who has got his hands on a scalpel designed to remove malignant growths and begun killing healthy people with it.


  • 当年,摄影师约翰·瓦熊偶然得到机会一个受伤后正在休息金发女郎拍摄照片,而这位金发女郎正是日后1962年去世梦露

    Vachon was given a rare opportunity to photograph the blonde bombshell, who died in 1962, off-duty as she took a few days off due to the injury.


  • 年后,在偶然的机会受到一个同事关于Chua研究成果启示

    It took three years and a chance tip-off from a colleague about Chua's work before the revelation came.


  • 这部成长题材的剧情片中,22岁的Zac扮演十几岁中学生,因一次偶然的机会得以年轻时候逊·威尔斯(Orson Welles)一同工作

    In the coming-of-age drama, the 22-year-old plays a teenage student who, by luck, gets to work with a young Orson Welles.


  • 一个确认窗口会弹出如果偶然碰到了删除链接的话,选择这个窗口中的好的或者取消记住你所有的唯一机会

    A popup window with a confirmation should appear. Choose OK or Cancel if you hit the Delete link by accident. Remember, this is the only chance you have.


  • 偶然的机会看到一有关妇科病专家林巧稚医生的文章。

    By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women's diseases.


  • 主角医生偶然的机会来到一个岛屿因为遇到岛上其他内心方面变化

    The leading character who was a medical doctor arrives at an island by chance and his internal aspects changes as he encounters other people.


  • 主角医生偶然的机会来到一个岛屿因为遇到岛上其他内心方面变化

    The leading character who was a medical doctor arrives at an island by chance and his internal aspects changes as he encounters other people.


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