Another more interesting maxims is one of the so-called maxims of quantity, quantities of information, that is.
Now one more very interesting oscillation — a torsional pendulum.
Static wear-leveling algorithms address an even more interesting problem.
From the Conservative benches a more interesting proposition has appeared.
She tends to varnish the truth to make a more interesting story.
They will romance the country to get their fix right up until a more interesting disaster comes along.
Next up, Portugal play Ivory Coast in what could be one of the more interesting games of the tournament.
He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.
In adding more CMP beans and session beans for business logic, you can create a more interesting Web application.
I have always enjoyed the learning experience while climbing, and this is going to be a more interesting trip to learn together with students.
One of the more interesting implications of a properly-configured Linux HA system is that you do not need to take any action to re-instantiate a cluster member.
An even more interesting direction that we want to tackle in an upcoming customer project is to add better support for process testing, as I described in my blog entry.
Google believes that an interesting and pleasant space helps people think more creatively.
Whether it be 'power peas' or' dinosaur broccoli trees, 'giving a food a fun name makes kids think it will be more fun to eat.
All right, so let's take things up slightly to a more interesting one.
The more interesting case for revoking privileges is the SVRCONN or CLUSRCVR channel that must match many certificates when at least one CA is trusted.
更有趣的是,一个新的CSS属性border - image可让你直接将图片应用于边线上。
More interestingly, a newer CSS property called border-image allows you to apply images directly to your borders.
Your application could register a more interesting handler, such as one that does something with the document content.
Birding can be done privately, but it can be even more fun to share your love of birding with others.
Reading all these, one finds a Churchill who is a good deal more compelling than the eternal iron man.
Tap a network’s name to change channels on your TV — a lot more fun, and more comprehensible, than hitting numbers on a traditional remote.
All right, so let's think of a more complicated example of having a double bond, and maybe a more interesting example, and this is talking about benzene.
Nothing makes a test automation project more interesting than custom controls, especially third-party custom controls.
More interestingly, if an attacker breaks into the Web server and becomes root, the attacker won't gain control over the whole system — given a good security policy.
Finally, Benioff grabbed the iPad on his table and made a comment on Chatter, noting what he found interesting about what was being said and adding a joke to spice it up.
And what's more interesting about this feature is that it was first designed as an out of office message.
Which types of voices offer more of an interesting challenge for you as an actor?
Unusual personalities shake things up, make work more fun, and turn a vanilla group into a team with flavor and flair.
Unusual personalities shake things up, make work more fun, and turn a vanilla group into a team with flavor and flair.