As the author points out, there is probably not a person alive who does not have some bee in his bonnet about the way other people speak and write.
Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?
And how many others? How many ships had gone to the bottom of the sea? How many brave men had been murdered for this? Perhaps no man alive could tell.
For there is not a man living who knows better than I that the four charms of a cat lie in its closed eyes, its long and lovely hair, its silence, and even its affected love.
Rupp was indeed the last person to see the Clutters alive – other than the killers – having gone over to River Valley farm on the Saturday night.
That one fact alone explains why successful creative people keep creating well past the time in which it's necessary for them to do so; they create because it's a part of what makes them come alive.
So, if you don't "belong" to a company, you're still a living, breathing, talented human being.
I am trying to build a good human being here, someone who will make the world better for his presence.
Wiebicke's wife, Madeline, said Randy was "a man who lived his life in the spirit of what being a firefighter meant to him.
First, I made a list of role models—people alive or dead, fictional or historical, in my industry or not, who I admire.
If a person always thinks of and lives for himself, then his life holds little value.
All his natural functions had to be artificially assisted and he appeared just as helpless as one could possibly be and live.[36]
After the rest were taken as detainees, the commandos found one child still alive in the rubble, and performed CPR for 20 minutes.
With seven million people living in its 426-square-mile (1,103-square-kilometer) region, the Asian megaport is one of the most densely populated areas in the world.
A person who neglects their health fails to see how lucky they are to be alive.
For those that desire to take the dance of ascension one step further and master conscious dream weaving, there is another program known as Mastering the Living dream.
The all-too-familiar combination of millions of people living by a major fault rupture in quake.
A disabled man who has no feet seems so miserable, but he learns the basic skills and lives as the ordinary people.
EGO is equivalent in believing one to be the MASTER CREATOR when you are at best living the worn out dream of another that never achieved such a state in their own incarnation.
People alive, may wish to change their mentality, another way of thinking, you will find: Actually, you are in this world a happy person.
Therefore, the rivers and lakes character goes after like ducks, may what is strange, person which comes to here not live.
Baptiste looked into Stockard's eyes. But those who live, he said, will not have the words of a strange God in their ears.
Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you.
Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you.