• 然而希腊其他地方一些文学家同意地心说观点例如一位生活公元前世纪希腊文学家

    However, there were a few astronomers in Greece and other places who didn't agree with the geocentric view, for example, a Greek astronomer who lived in the third century B.C.E.


  • 第二实验中,老鼠饥饿对抗恐惧饥饿的老鼠放在一个笼子里,笼子里一些狐狸气味”的区域其他气味闻起来更安全地方

    In the second experiment meant to pit the mice's hunger against their fear, hungry mice were placed in a cage that had certain "fox scented" areas and other places that smelled safer.


  • 第二实验中,老鼠饥饿对抗恐惧饥饿的老鼠放在一个笼子里,笼子里一些散发“狐狸气味”的区域其他气味闻起来更安全地方

    In the second experiment meant to pit the mice's hunger against their fear, hungry mice were placed in a cage that had certain "fox-scented" areas and other places that smelled safer.


  • 一些地方教育局试图吉卜赛儿童安排特殊流动学校这样他们能够得到其他儿童一样教育

    In some places, the education authorities try to arrange special travelling schools for Gypsy children so that they can get the same education as other children.


  • 一些位于靠近村庄用作社区公共空间其他位于公路作为旅行者休息地方

    Some were located in or near villages as public spaces for the community; others were positioned beside roads as resting places for travellers.


  • 只有金丝雀码头其他地方一些高塔打破单调局面。

    Only Canary Wharf and a few towers elsewhere break the monotony.


  • 我们的独特之处在我们一些雕塑其实所在地而作,而且我们展示雕塑的艺术家范围全国其他任何地方的都要广。

    But we're unique in that some of our sculptures were actually created for the sites they occupy here, and we also show sculptures by a wider range of artists than anywhere else in the country.


  • 一些不想的事情,或者当我在一个我不想呆的地方,我就手机自己注意力转移到其他地方

    When I'm doing something I'd rather not do, or when I'm someplace I'd rather not be, I use my phone to port myself elsewhere.


  • 当今世界许多地方仍然正确的,其他一些东西变得越来越重要,如信息交换,以及我们用于交换信息技术

    In many parts of the world today this is still true, but something else is becoming more important—the exchange of information, and the technology that we use to do this.


  • 世界的其他一些地方,人们甚至没有足够的食物吃。

    In some other parts of the world, people even don't have enough food to eat.


  • 北美南美以及其他一些地方生产的精子克隆动物胚胎,其在国际范围内的交易已经无法加以有效监管

    The international trade in semen and embryos from cloned animals created in north and south America and beyond was effectively impossible to police.


  • 种设计效果很好,反复应用于其他地方,加上一些看似没什么影响的改进,突然有一天它就不奏效了。

    Perhaps a design works so well. It is adopted elsewhere again and again, with seemingly harmless improvements, until, suddenly, it does not work at all anymore.


  • 一些地方,你可以想借多少书就借多少,但在其他地方,你只限于借阅一定数量的书几个星期,这样你可以有足够的时间读完所有已借的书。

    In some places, you may borrow as many books as you want, but in others you are limited to a certain number of books for several weeks so that you can have enough time to finish all the books you've borrowed.


  • 黎巴嫩莱索托尼泊尔塔吉克斯坦以及一些其他地方汇款超过GDP20%。

    In Lebanon, Lesotho, Nepal, Tajikistan and a few other places, remittances are more than 20% of GDP.


  • 一些部族迁徙到了其他的地方从事耕作然而阿拉伯人却坚守传统的生计——游牧民族文化中心

    A few tribes drifted elsewhere or took up farming, but the Arab herders stuck to their fraying livelihoods-nomadic herding was central to their cultural identity.


  • 或许会推断中国其他地方一些廉价生产中心会重回西方

    Yet you might infer that some manufacturing will return to the West from cheap centres of production in China and elsewhere.


  • 必须这样,因为该党其他地方一些盟友前景更糟糕。

    It needs to, since the prospects of some of its Allies elsewhere are even worse.


  • 要看在哪个地方因为大洋某处的海平面其他地方得高一些

    It depends where you live, since the ocean would rise higher at some points around the Earth than others.


  • 至于水稻黄豆一些地方减产世界其他地方增强生产能力所抵消因此总体上没有变化

    For rice and soy, declines in some places were offset by productivity boosts elsewhere in the world, so there was no overall change.


  • 希望你们中的一些考虑世界其他地方去服务在那里也许更加迫切需要你们技艺

    I hope some of you will think also about serving in other parts of the world, where your skills may be even more desperately needed.


  • 伊利诺斯大学研究青少年性别认同问题社会学家芭拉·里兹曼说:“其他一些地方存在现实安全问题。”

    "There are other places where there are real safety issues," said Barbara Risman, a sociologist at the University of Illinois who studies adolescent gender identity.


  • 一些地方或者其他拜伦”们,会用到“冗长乏味”这个法语并且好心顺便注明尽管英国没有这个词,却有相当之多的冗长与乏味。

    SOMEWHERE or other Byron makes use of the French word longeur, and remarks in passing that though in England we happen not to have the word, we have the thing in considerable profusion.


  • 就像电力工程师房子,为其铺置新的电线线路,基因工程师不会一些东西放置在一个会产生其他重要接触地方

    "Like an electrical engineer who wants to go into a house and put in new wiring, [a genetic engineer] doesn't want to put something where there is another important contact," he says.


  • 是因为至少圆周长度方面,我们星球一些地方其他

    That's because some parts of the planet are much bigger than others, at least in circumference.


  • 其他一些地方,虽然相同原住民社区同样森林拥有同样法律权利森林退化了。

    In some other places, where the same indigenous communities have the same legal rights to the same sort of forest, it is degraded.


  • 一些说服其他袭击更多的地方一个青年向人群:“大家回家。”

    Some attempted to persuade the rioters to disperse, one young man shouting: "Go home now people.


  • 这里启用风险管理虽然没有针对四种心脏病之一专门检查但是已经一些早期其他地方做的体检得到度量指标

    The idea is to enable risk management even if no dedicated check for one of those heart diseases was made, but the measures are available anyway from earlier check-ups in other areas.


  • 我们结构公司一些创始人世界上其他一些地方长大在那儿大学入学率并不那么普遍

    Several of the founders of our portfolio companies grew up in other parts of the world where college attendance is less common.


  • 我们结构公司一些创始人世界上其他一些地方长大在那儿大学入学率并不那么普遍

    Several of the founders of our portfolio companies grew up in other parts of the world where college attendance is less common.


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