It could be very interesting to watch an Arab and an Englishman talking together.
一件非常有趣的事, 一头34岁大的亚洲象竟能从镜子里认出自己。着暗示动物也有自我意识的能力。
And meet Happy. A 34-year-old Asian elephant who is able to recognize herself in a mirror, suggesting the species is capable of self-awareness.
"I'm not sure what area of finance I'd like to work in, once I graduate," said the 20 year old. "But I do like that it is relevant to everyday life." It is interesting to see how it pieces together.
Another thing that makes this mission very interesting for us is it's actually a return to our roots, if you will.
We have been working in the business process management (BPM) space for years already, and it is very interesting to see the recently growing attention for it.
It'll be interesting to see how designers approach the challenge of helping users grasp and take advantage of the shifts that are occurring today.
It'll be interesting to see how designers approach the challenge of helping users grasp and take advantage of the shifts that are occurring today.