Tears is false, it is really sad, after a thousand years without you I do not.
A thousand years later, Sith acolytes sparked what would become known as the Great Sith War.
No matter what methods she used, she couldn't die. 1000 years ago, Miss SASA stay on rubbish mountain and say to herself: "why I can't die ?"
有一本好书唐纳德 米勒写的一千年以后的一百万英里(它成为前5本对我影响最深的书)。
called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. (It has catapulted into the top five most personally influential books I've ever read.)
If aliens showed up to Earth 1, 000 years later, they'd find an abandoned planet with ten billion mummified corpses laying on the floor of ten billion dusty holodecks, with huge smiles on their faces.
The next area is focusing on static exhibition. Museum staff dressed as Vikings are presented. Visitors can catch a glimpse of the lives of Vikings through more than 800 pieces of artefacts.
The next area is focusing on static exhibition. Museum staff dressed as Vikings are presented. Visitors can catch a glimpse of the lives of Vikings through more than 800 pieces of artefacts.