• 本句应译为:设计一封求职用来给你经历增辉

    A cover letter is designed to highlight the parts of...


  • 假设立刻毕业了,一个公司的人力资源司理一封求职信

    You will graduate from university and are hunting for a job. After reading a job ads, write a letter to the Personnel Resources Department.


  • 写了一封求职强调与众不同的经历,这她在求职中脱颖而出。

    She drafted a cover letter that accentuated her unique experience and made her stand out as a candidate


  • 写了一封求职强调与众不同的经历,这她在求职中脱颖而出。

    She drafted a cover letter that accentuated her unique experience and made her stand out as a candidate.


  • 要求写一封求职信假设东莞理工学院城市学院财经会计专业毕业生

    Suppose you are in Dongguan City Polytechnic Institute of Finance of the graduates of the accounting profession.


  • 一封求职信,都应该每个应聘职位针对性清晰明了语法拼写正确无误

    Every cover letter you write should be customized for the job you are applying for, clear and concise, grammatically correct, and error-free.


  • 一封求职不仅仅简历一个标准部分求职旨在为你的经历增加闪光点特别有助于申请工作

    A cover letter is not just a standard part of your resume. A cover letter is designed to highlight the parts of your experience that are specific to the job to which you are applying.


  • 一封让人求职需要花费很多时间精力不要认为可以讨巧——一封求职信应付不同雇主

    Writing a convincing cover letter takes a lot of time and effort, but don't think you can cut corners by writing just one letter and sending it to different employers.


  • 寄出一封语法错误排字错误求职简历让招聘经理觉得并不在乎工作质量也有可能你不在乎这份工作,两者必有其一。

    Sending a cover letter or resume filled with grammatical mistakes and typographical errors shows hiring managers you don't care about the quality of your work and probably not about the job, either.


  • 如果求职系统要求求职的话,一封简短求职信介绍为什么非常符合他们的条件,表达加入公司的意愿。

    If the system requests a cover letter, write a short one that expresses why you're a strong match and why you'd like to join the organization.


  • 每个求职申请一封新的求职包括详细

    Write a new cover letter for each job application and include details specific to that company.


  • 一封好的简明求职能够寻找一份新的工作关系重大

    A good concise cover letter can make all the difference when trying to land a new job.


  • 即使雇主没有要求求职,附上一封有所帮助的。

    Even if an employer doesn't request a cover letter, it's helpful to send one.


  • 自从印度财经类报纸Mint本月孟买德里开始发行,其执行主编Raju Narisetti的办公桌上来自西方记者求职几乎每天一封

    ALMOST every day Raju Narisetti, managing editor of Mint, a business newspaper launched in Mumbai and Delhi this month, gets an E-mail from a Western journalist looking for a job in India.


  • 发送一封特制的求职之前公司建立一定联系。Ryan还说:“如果工作职位需要的话甚至需要定制简历。”

    Establish aconnection before sending a customized cover letter and, adds Ryan,"You can even customize your resume if a job opening calls for it."


  • 事实上,应聘者第一印象面试形成一封求职、一份简历都会敲门砖,而这往往又是错漏百出的环节。

    Butt a candidate's first impression begins long before the interview. It starts with cover letter and CV or resume, which often are far from blemish-free.


  • 发出求职之前参考以下清单确定求职信已经包括了所有基本内容一封非常完美求职信

    Before you send your cover letter, review this checklist to make sure that you have covered all the basics and are sending a perfect cover letter to your prospective employer.


  • 如果申请一家外企职位,那么你很有可能需要在提交简历的同时附上一封英文求职

    If you apply for a job position with a forEign company, chancesare you will be asked to provide an English cover letter alongwith your resume.


  • 量身修改简历”已不足以简历筛选环节脱颖而出附上一封自荐求职可能是个办法

    When customizing your CV is not enough to help you st out in the resume screening stage, adding a cover letter could be a good way to make the difference.


  • 一封成功求职必须最好的媒介,闪光点展示给雇主看。

    The most important aspect of a successful cover letter is to introduce yourself as an ideal candidate for the job. To do this, your cover letter should include point out the following.


  • 永远不要发送一封大众化的通用简历求职如果确实应聘到职位的话,你就要每个职位定制你的求职文件

    Never submit a generic, one-size-fits-all resume or cover letter. If you really want the position, you'll all documents for each job.


  • 真相简历不足以为赢得面试的机会时,一封好的求职信往往可以锦上添花

    Fact: : a well-written cover letter can get you an interview when your resume alone wouldn't have.


  • 我国英语教学中教师们只是求职作为应用文写作文体,讲授如何撰写一封规范求职信

    Moreover, in our English teaching, teachers take the cover letter as a kind of practical writings and only instruct the students how to write a cover letter in a standard way.


  • 发送一封特制求职之前要公司建立一定联系。Ryan还说:如果工作职位需要的话甚至需要定制简历

    "Establish a connection before sending a customized cover letter and, adds Ryan," you can even customize your resume if a job opening calls for it.


  • 但是不能不正式因为这一封商务为出发点所以求职信至少一封商务件,并使用传统的商务格式

    However don't be too informal, it is a business proposal you are making, so the letter should be set out like a business letter; use a traditional business letter format.


  • 一封英文求职信并说明薪资的要求。

    A cover letter in English indicating your salary expectation.


  • 人力资源经理太多时间一封冗长求职信因此醒目形式简明扼要地列出关键息。

    A hiring manager won't have too much time to read a lengthy cover letter, so make your key points in striking orderly ways.


  • 现在一封标准投机求职信想要询问有无工作机会可以投封。当然需要根据公司性质不同做适当的调整。

    Now let's look at a standard speculative letter, which you would send if you were enquiring about the possibility of a job.


  • 现在一封标准投机求职信想要询问有无工作机会可以投封。当然需要根据公司性质不同做适当的调整。

    Now let's look at a standard speculative letter, which you would send if you were enquiring about the possibility of a job.


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