• 斯科特一局以3分领先

    Scott opened up a 3-point lead in the first game.


  • 指责一些主要政党从牟取私利。

    He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation.


  • 国家忽视紧迫性,后果非常严重

    It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the situation.


  • 那时试图把导致一局一系列复杂事件个头绪来。

    He was trying to ravel out the complicated series of events that had led to this situation.


  • 一局比赛中竟然得。

    He didn't hit off only one run in the first innings.


  • 保住了一局接下来以7 - 0打出了完美的抢七。

    Twice she held serve to stay in the set and she then played a flawless tie-break to win it 7-0.


  • 这场比赛一开始极富戏剧性,一局基队暂时2 - 1领先

    The game had started in equally as entertaining fashion, with the Yankees ahead 2-1 after the first innings.


  • 一局划定以色列未来巴勒斯坦国边界,这相当棘手

    The first of these, fixing a border between Israel and the putative Palestine, is hard enough.


  • 禁令出台那种疯狂交易景象不见了——监管者一局

    The wild trading in the days before the ban has ended – score one for the regulators.


  • 然而理解人类语言复杂性特质相比一局棋根本算不上什么。

    But winning a board game is a trivial task compared with understanding the complexities and idiosyncrasies of human speech.


  • 他们被告知一局时候(情况A),69%的人选择继续参与

    When told they had won the first gamble (situation a), 69 per cent of the participants chose to play again.


  • 十数次手术后偶尔可以一场高尔夫或者一局网球了。

    After dozens of surgeries, she was able to play the occasional round of golf or set of tennis.


  • 很多困难日子里,斯金都陆军-海军高尔夫球场小打一局

    On many tough days Erskine and I would go out to Army-Navy golf course for a quick round.


  • 告诉一局结果人(情况AB),只有36%的人会继续玩下去。

    But when they were not told the outcome of the first gamble (situation a or b), only 36 per cent wanted to play again.


  • 赢家有权选择一局游戏席位输家一局第一手发牌。

    The winner has the choice of CARDS and seats for the next game, and the losing player deals the first hand.


  • 他们得知了的时候(情况B),只有59%的人一局

    If told they had lost (situation B), only 59 per cent wanted to play again. That's not surprising.


  • 所有玩家都”了一局体验到了轻微电击想必是一对手施放

    All players "lost" the first round and experienced a mild electric shock themselves, presumably administered by the other player.


  • 饶有兴致地夜间高尔夫球场打一局,这种夜间球场为玩家避暑而设。

    I also enjoyed a round of golf with Prime Minister Goh on a night golf course designed to help golfers manage the intense heat.


  • 随着人群后面一局反败为胜的欢呼声数百海鸥突然出现在一水之隔对岸。

    As the crowd cheers the late-inning comeback, hundreds of gulls appear from across the water.


  • 结果出人意料一场平局,“北极星”大胜一局另外局玩家微弱优势获胜

    The results were surprising: a draw in one match, a resounding win by Polaris in another and two narrow victories for the humans in the remainder.


  • 游戏逐渐加大难度同时公正性就是让玩家觉得是因为自己失误才丢了一局

    It needs to get more difficult, but at the same time it's also got to be fair - the players need to feel like it's their fault that the game was lost.


  • 然而保持有利局势又是一回事穆雷紧张一局无法发,在第二个破发上他把球打到了带上。

    Capitalising on that situation was another matter, though, and Murray could not serve out the set in a tense game, netting a forehand on the second break point.


  • 关于一局比赛有人问什么鼓舞了顽强战斗,她说是奖金,呵呵,她倒是挺明白什么是最重要的。

    Then on the first set, she was asked after what inspired her, and she said the prize money, so she said it, got her priorities straight.


  • 他在投票几分钟希望削减更多开支共和党:“虽然你们这么我们其实已经赢得了一局。”

    Speaking minutes before the vote, McConnell told Republicans who had wanted even deeper spending cuts: "Although you may not see it this way, you've actually won this debate.


  • 世界第十马克·艾伦以5-2败给斯图尔特·宾厄姆,后者一局中的杆142分漂亮杆让印象深刻。

    World number 10 Mark Allen lost 5-2 to Stuart Bingham, who impressed with a clearance of 142 in the first frame.


  • 座无虚席中心球场世界排名第二费德勒草地球场开局表现不稳定,第一局便败给高大捷克人。

    World number two Federer, who had endured a shakystart to the grass-court tournament, was outplayed by the tall Czech in front of a capacity Centre Court crowd.


  • 座无虚席中心球场世界排名第二费德勒在草地球场开局表现不稳定,第一局便败给了高大捷克人。

    World number two Federer, who had endured a shaky start to the grass-court tournament , was outplayed by the tall Czech in front of a capacity Centre Court crowd.


  • 座无虚席中心球场世界排名第二费德勒在草地球场开局表现不稳定,第一局便败给了高大捷克人。

    World number two Federer, who had endured a shaky start to the grass-court tournament , was outplayed by the tall Czech in front of a capacity Centre Court crowd.


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