• 位于费城市中心区的独立国家公园称为“美国最具历史意义一平方英里”。

    The Independence National Historic Park is located right at the heart of downtown Philadelphia.


  • 这些淤泥凝结后,足以堆成高达二百四十英尺,面积为平方英里土块儿。

    This mud, solidified, would make a mass a mile square and two hundred and forty-one feet high.


  • 许多人同意这样种说法:“纽约市平方英里文化要超过美国其他城市。”

    Many would agree with the observation that "New York has more culture per square mile than any other city in the US."


  • 东边很远地方,我们悬崖顶部平方英里干旱的土地,上面满是印第安仙人掌以及香草

    In the distance to the east, our cliff top fanned out into an arid square mile of Indian grass, prickly pear, and more sage.


  • 卫报所获取资料显示伦敦金融城公司花钱购买金融城一平方英里土地周边多处地块,这些地块位于伦敦东部。

    Documents seen by the Guardian show how the Corporation has dipped into its funds to buy a series of east London sites on the periphery of the square mile.


  • 英国伦敦金融城仅仅平方英里土地上聚集着550家国际性的银行170多家全球性证券公司

    To the financial City of London, for instance, in just one square miles of land, more than 550 gathered a number of international Banks and 170 global securities firms.


  • 这座城市大部分景观都可以北端的5平方英里区域看到,这块区域是该市历史中心

    Most of the city's sights can be seen within a five-square-mile area in the North End, the historic center of the city.


  • 2016年5月1日加拿大阿尔伯塔省场野火烧毁700平方英里区域

    On May 1st, 2016, in Alberta, Canada, a wildfire destroyed an area of nearly 700 square miles.


  • 只有两个帐篷间是间是用来装设备的,奥布斯特顿时感觉到数千平方英里荒野,他是如此的渺小。

    With one tent for himself and another for his camera gear, he felt like a minuscule creature out there alone amid thousands of square miles of harsh wilderness.


  • 面积达到100平方英里的浮冰岛已经格陵兰冰川科学家的话来说,这块浮冰岛的崩落50北极同类事件最大个。

    An ice island with an area of 100 square miles has broken off from one of Greenland's two main glaciers in what scientists say is the biggest such event in the Arctic in nearly 50 years.


  • 如果100英尺直径的小行星撞击地球大气爆炸产生冲击波可以数百平方英里所有树木倒伏杀死所有的大型动物

    If a 100-foot-wide asteroid hit Earth, the shock wave from its explosion in the atmosphere could flatten trees and kill every large animal for hundreds of square miles.


  • 常常,我怎么能够拥有最少公共交通拥有131平方英里城市放弃使用汽车呢?

    I often thought, how could I give up my car in a city with minimal mass transit and an area that encompasses 131 square miles?


  • 胡德美国最大军事基地在位于奥斯汀韦科市之间德州中部草原上,占地超过300平方英里(780平方公里)。

    FORT HOOD is one of the largest army bases in America, sprawling over more than 300 square miles (some 780 square kilometres) of nondescript central Texas grassland between Austin and Waco.


  • 华西村江苏省东部0.6平方英里(平方公里)多岩石土壤创建村庄这个国家数以百计贫困村庄样。

    The hamlet of Huaxi, created on 0.6 square miles (a square kilometer) of rocky land in eastern Jiangsu province, was like hundreds of poverty-stricken villages around the country.


  • 2月28日卫星图像显示面积为414平方公里(160平方英里)巨冰出现破碎

    Satellite images starting Feb. 28 show the runaway disintegration of a chunk covering 414 square kilometers, or 160 square miles.


  • 只是计划大的五年计划是50 000平方英里服务区内安装高达250兆瓦太阳能发电

    That was the first step in a larger five-year project to install up to 250 megawatts of solar power across its 50, 000-square-mile service area.


  • 重大灾难飞机残片散落面积达200平方英里,”名消防员国家电视台说道。

    "It's a major disaster with pieces of aircraft spread over an area of 200 sq m," a fire brigade official told state television.


  • 乌拉沙漠西北沿海秘鲁延伸南部厄瓜多尔,覆盖面积14 000平方英里,沙漠地区居民生活非常艰苦。

    Stretching from coastal, northwestern Peru into southern Ecuador, the 14, 000-square-mile Piura Desert is home to many endemic forms of thorny life.


  • 因此风电场取代核电站意味着大型风电场占地280平方英里几乎与纽约市面积相当。

    So to replace that nuclear power plant with wind would mean dedicating nearly 280 square miles of land to a gigantic wind farm, which would be about the size of New York City.


  • 相比之下,在中国最早经济特区中,深圳最大著名个,占地126平方英里

    By comparison, Shenzhen, biggest and most famous of China's original SEZs, covers 126 square miles.


  • 它曾经世界最大湖泊过去几十年里,已经万六千平方英里缩小不到平方英里最终可能完全消失

    Once one of the world’s largestlakes, it has shrunk in the last few decades from about 16, 000 squaremiles to less than 1, 000, and may ultimately disappear entirely.


  • 回答这个问题办法总面积:95000平方英里

    One way of answering the question is to take its total area: 95, 000 square miles.


  • 九月中旬北冰洋覆盖面积只有167方英里(432公里)- - -2007年9月创下的有史以来最低记录点点

    32 million sq km of the Arctic sea was covered by ice as of mid-September - a little larger than the all-time record low of 1.608 million sq. mi.


  • 名为飞马国际控股(Pegasus Global Holdings)的科技公司宣布,他们计划兴建座20平方英里小型美国城市模型容纳3万5千人口

    A technology company called Pegasus Global Holdings this week announced plans to build a 20-square-mile model of a small U. S. city that could host a population of 35,000.


  • 1000平方公里(3861平方英里)岛屿沉没苏格兰北大西洋冰冷海浪之下

    A 10, 000 square kilometer (3, 861 sq. mile) island sank beneath the waves long ago, in the frigid waters of the Atlantic north of Scotland.


  • 1000平方公里(3861平方英里)岛屿沉没苏格兰北大西洋冰冷海浪之下

    A 10, 000 square kilometer (3, 861 sq. mile) island sank beneath the waves long ago, in the frigid waters of the Atlantic north of Scotland.


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