• 2009年秋季,人们几乎已经不管美元的死活。最后几个星期,美元开始反弹,今年第一季度继续回升。

    After almost being given up for dead last autumn, the dollar continued to revive in the first quarter, extending a rebound begun during the final weeks of 2009.


  • 中国过去有第四季度经济产出超过日本情况,因为一年最后一季度中国经济会出于季节性原因而更加活跃。

    China's output has topped Japan's before, in the last quarter of the year, when the Chinese economy tends to run hotter for seasonal reasons.


  • 相比较而言,虽比前的4.9万亿收益稍微下跌但却比前一季度3.8万亿的收益高很多。

    That was down from 4.9 trillion won a year ago but up from 3.8 trillion won in the preceding quarter.


  • 目前全食开店超过门店销售增长已经一季度6.7%暴跌至2.6%。

    Sales growth at stores open at least a year plunged to 2.6 percent from 6.7 percent the previous quarter.


  • 美国市场公司IPO后市表现有所趋缓平均攀升8%,而一季度为13%,更是较前22%的平均数滑落不少。

    After-market performance also slowed in the U.S. market, with the average IPO climbing 8%, down from 13% in Q1 and well below the 22% average a year ago.


  • 印度房产市场看上去的确出现泡沫一季度,它房市价格比高出17%。

    The property market in India looks positively frothy: prices there were, at the end of the first quarter, about 17% higher than a year before.


  • 然而一季度电产量比之前4%;比较起来总产量截至2008年第一季度增长了16%。

    Yet electricity production in the first quarter was 4% lower than it had been a year earlier; in comparison, production grew by 16% in the year to the first quarter of 2008.


  • 美国市中心办公室空闲一季度前的9.9%增加12.5%。

    Office vacancies in America's city centres increased to 12.5% in the first quarter, up from 9.9% a year earlier.


  • 根据策略分析报告公司提供数据显示,智能手机出货量比一季度提高44%,达到2780万几乎4

    Shipments of smartphones jumped 44 percent from the preceding quarter to 27.8 million units, up nearly four times from a year ago, according to research firm Strategy Analytics.


  • 不过Shim指出对于任何技术制造商来说,相对于一年中的其他时间一季度数字都是偏低的;大部分销售来自节假日开学时间。

    Shim noted, however, that first-quarter numbers are generally low compared to the rest of the year for any tech manufacturer; most sales come from the holiday and back-to-school seasons.


  • 79月份个月英国经济一季度上升了0.8%(同期增长2.8%),增长幅度为多数经济学家预计2倍

    Britain's economy grew by 0.8% between July and September from the previous three months (or 2.8% compared with a year earlier), twice the rate that had been forecast by most economists.


  • 2008年一季度开始洪水,恰逢41日开始一年一度煤炭价格谈判

    The timing of the 2008 floods, which came at the end of the first quarter, worked out well for the miners because annual price negotiations, for the year starting April 1, were still going on.


  • 每年一季度,英国内政部会对上一年国内安全情况进行评估,发布一份年度反恐报告

    Home Office is in charge of evaluating national security in last year and releases a CONTEST annual report in the first quarter of this year.


  • 过去时间里,台湾出口导向型经济成功超越了几乎所有预期最近的数据是今年一季度增长6.2%。

    For the past year and a half, Taiwan's export-oriented economy managed to surpass nearly all expectations, most recently marking 6.2 per cent growth in the first quarter of this year.


  • 相比,在一季度美国电脑网络设备中过盈利下降18%。

    In its latest quarter the Chinese revenues of the American maker of computer-networking equipment were 18% lower than a year before.


  • 一季度季度报告披露时间不得一年度年度报告的披露时间。

    The time of publication of the first quarterly report shall not be earlier than the time of publication of the annual report for the preceding year.


  • 规划自己一周一季度甚至工作学习生活吗?

    Will you make a schedule for a week, a month, a quarter or even a year? If your plan is disturbed, what will you do?


  • 规划自己一周一季度甚至工作学习生活吗?

    Will you make a schedule for a week, a month, a quarter or even a year? If your plan is disturbed, what will you do?


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