And it was rare that a firm as big as ours hired first-year students. So, he was gonna come in as a summer associate.
But, based on the code of conduct for the Christina school District, where Zachary is a first grader, school officials had no choice.
But if it is messy and occasionally mawkish, "The First Grader" is rarely dull.
I had just graduated from law school, had spent my first summer as an... year as an intern, and there was all this buzz about this hotshot young first-year law student from Harvard.
There used to be much snapdragon growing on the walls opposite my freshman's rooms there, and I had for years taken it as the emblem of my own perpetual residence even unto death in my University.
Brooks: In our first year of graduate school, a friend and I wrote a program to compose tunes.
Few at the Canterbury summer school think they would have considered teaching without that approach: the standard one-year postgraduate course is, they say, "too slow", "too theoretical" and "boring".
"There are senior investigators sitting with first-year graduate students," Ramakrishnan says.
Since 1967, the Yale School of Architecture has offered its first-year students the unique chance to design and build a structure as part of their graduate education.
All successful GAC students can apply for to the first year of international universities degree studies directly.
Professor McGonagall led the first years up here, so that they came to a halt in a line facing the other students, with the teachers behind them.
Second half of intensive survey of brain and behavioral studies for first-year graduate students.
The survey covers the medical college students, liberal arts, science, engineering and the arts, such as different professional categories, including the first-year college each year to graduate.
I am currently a first year medical student at SLU School of Medicine. My hobbies include playing tennis, table tennis, running, and watching lots of TV/movies.
Since 1991 Georgetown University has offered first-year and transfer students an "overnight experience" away from its Washington, D. C. campus with it ESCAPE program.
Male students display weaker orientation in regional value than female do and sophomores are with more apparent professional value orientation than freshmen and juniors.
I've set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing and honor's thesis.
The number of first-year Indian students enrolled at students at US graduate schools rose 20 per cent though the total enrolment of Chinese students dipped 2 per cent from last year.
Mathematical techniques beyond the usual preparation of first-year graduate students will be introduced as a part of the course.
To determine the level of knowledge about tuberculosis among medical Postgraduate in Xinjiang medical University, and evaluated the effect of undergraduate medical education on tuberculosis.
To determine the level of knowledge about tuberculosis among medical Postgraduate in Xinjiang medical University, and evaluated the effect of undergraduate medical education on tuberculosis.