• 我们那样事务所实在很少会雇用年级,但进来担任暑期助理

    And it was rare that a firm as big as ours hired first-year students. So, he was gonna come in as a summer associate.


  • 但是按照年级扎贾里就读克里斯蒂娜学区行为准则校方表示他们别无选择。

    But, based on the code of conduct for the Christina school District, where Zachary is a first grader, school officials had no choice.


  • 尽管影片《年级生》的结构有些凌乱,情节偶尔让人产伤感,总体上并不让人感觉沉闷

    But if it is messy and occasionally mawkish, "The First Grader" is rarely dull.


  • 法学院毕业,才夏天实习,那时大家都在热切谈论个很厉害年轻人,是个哈佛法学院年级生

    I had just graduated from law school, had spent my first summer as an... year as an intern, and there was all this buzz about this hotshot young first-year law student from Harvard.


  • 一年级生所住房间对面墙上,总是长满了金鱼草,过去曾以为种标,表明我将永远我的大学里,直到死亡

    There used to be much snapdragon growing on the walls opposite my freshman's rooms there, and I had for years taken it as the emblem of my own perpetual residence even unto death in my University.


  • 布鲁克斯:那研究年级时候,当时朋友谱曲程序

    Brooks: In our first year of graduate school, a friend and I wrote a program to compose tunes.


  • 坎特伯雷暑期学校些人考虑不用那种方法来他们表示一年级研究课程太慢”、“理论性的”以及乏味的”。

    Few at the Canterbury summer school think they would have considered teaching without that approach: the standard one-year postgraduate course is, they say, "too slow", "too theoretical" and "boring".


  • “在这里资深研究者一年级研究坐在块,”Ramakrishnan

    "There are senior investigators sitting with first-year graduate students," Ramakrishnan says.


  • 1967年以来,耶鲁大学建筑学院一年级提供设计建造结构独特机会,并作为研究教育部分

    Since 1967, the Yale School of Architecture has offered its first-year students the unique chance to design and build a structure as part of their graduate education.


  • 所有成功GAC毕业可以直接进入国外大学一年级学习

    All successful GAC students can apply for to the first year of international universities degree studies directly.


  • 麦格教授把年级带到那边他们面对全体高排成排,教师们他们背后

    Professor McGonagall led the first years up here, so that they came to a halt in a line facing the other students, with the teachers behind them.


  • 这门课是提供年级研究课程,是行为总体研究的下学期课程。

    Second half of intensive survey of brain and behavioral studies for first-year graduate students.


  • 接受调查的大学涵盖了医科文科理科工科艺术类不同专业包括大学本科一年级研究各个年级

    The survey covers the medical college students, liberal arts, science, engineering and the arts, such as different professional categories, including the first-year college each year to graduate.


  • 现在医学院年级研究业余时间喜欢打网球跑步还有很多电视剧和电影

    I am currently a first year medical student at SLU School of Medicine. My hobbies include playing tennis, table tennis, running, and watching lots of TV/movies.


  • 1991年,乔治城大学次为其年级转校提供过夜体验”的“逃离计划,使他们暂时离开华盛顿校区

    Since 1991 Georgetown University has offered first-year and transfer students an "overnight experience" away from its Washington, D. C. campus with it ESCAPE program.


  • 地域价值取向明显低于,二年级护理本科年级年级职业价值取向明显。

    Male students display weaker orientation in regional value than female do and sophomores are with more apparent professional value orientation than freshmen and juniors.


  • 自己更高目标比如,我成为出色的毕业尽管大学年级时我启动些,但最终我优等论文完成学业

    I've set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing and honor's thesis.


  • 美国研究录取一年级印度数量增加了20%,中国总数去年减少了2%。

    The number of first-year Indian students enrolled at students at US graduate schools rose 20 per cent though the total enrolment of Chinese students dipped 2 per cent from last year.


  • 课程部份内容介绍超过年级研究程度数学技巧

    Mathematical techniques beyond the usual preparation of first-year graduate students will be introduced as a part of the course.


  • 目的调查新疆医科大学一年级硕士研究结核病相关知识掌握情况,评价医学教育本科阶段有关结核病的教学效果

    To determine the level of knowledge about tuberculosis among medical Postgraduate in Xinjiang medical University, and evaluated the effect of undergraduate medical education on tuberculosis.


  • 目的调查新疆医科大学一年级硕士研究结核病相关知识掌握情况,评价医学教育本科阶段有关结核病的教学效果

    To determine the level of knowledge about tuberculosis among medical Postgraduate in Xinjiang medical University, and evaluated the effect of undergraduate medical education on tuberculosis.


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