On the last night before they were to return home, we had arranged a family get-together.
Today, at a family gathering, my aunt asked me when I was planning to have children.
Apart from living in close proximity to each other, the cases in this cluster are known to have participated in a family gathering around 29 April.
She was working as an auxiliary nurse when she met Chris Kelly, 23, at a family party.
If it is a family event and you have young children, set a time limit, Ms. Crawford suggests.
I wore them last at a family gathering, where we mourned a revered relative the day after he had passed away.
I'm looking forward to this weekend from Monday. Because we will conduct a "Family Numbers party" for congratulations to our grandfather's birthday, he 's 78 years old!
So if you want to take a page from Kate's book at your next awkward family gathering (or during flu season), keep your clutch in both hands and smile politely.
Like the time you snuck into that house party together, or the time you laughed so hard you shot soda out of your nose and he totally saw and laughed right along with you.
I thought it was a great idea until, at the same party, I came upon a guest who actually is a brain surgeon and he laughed when I told him her plan.
Holiday means lots of family time, and if you have a significant other, you could be meeting his family for the first time over the dinner.
Holiday means lots of family time, and if you have a significant other, you could be meeting his family for the first time over the dinner.