• 医院学校边上角落里宿舍一段很长的距离

    Hospital in the school the edge of a corner from the hostel I have a very long distance.


  • 总之当时公寓图书馆可是段很长的距离所以即使我离开已经,我还是决定消磨时间

    Anyway, it was kind of a long walk to the library from the apartment I was living in at the time, so even though I had just had a smoke before I left, I decided to have another to pass the time.


  • 水平方式走形,在分子层(molecularlayer)上经过段很长的距离并且大量分支结构提供营养。这些神经纤维有的上行有的下行

    It immediately adopts a horizontal position, runs for a considerable distance through the molecular layer, and is supplied with numerous branches, some ascending and others descending.


  • 德泽承认,赶上硅材料光电出众效率寿命塑料光电板还有距离可能不是问题

    He concedes there is some way to go before plastic PV catches up with silicon's superior efficiency and durability, but even that might not be an issue, he says.


  • 确定件事的的确确不会发生以后,普兰塔莫教授大灾难往后挪了一段距离

    After it was fairly certain that such an event would not take place Prof. Plantamour moved his disaster dates further into the future.


  • 曼城工资已经达到顶级而且球员好像也有些懈怠他们距离成为曼联那样的大俱乐部还有一段走。

    City already top the wage lists and players are likely to be offloaded but they look some distance away from making the type of revenue United and the big clubs make.


  • 他们上下楼梯困难下楼时,脚先下楼。但是研究者们报道说看到过他们“奔跑”,灵活地越过不平地形,奔跑一段距离

    They also have difficulty with stairs and descend feet-first. However, researchers also report seeing quadrupeds' running ', moving agilely over rough terrain and travelling long distances.


  • 中微子可以穿过探测到的物质影响,即使是通过一段距离样。科学家每天有几百万粒子穿过我们的身体

    It can pass through most matter undetected, even over long distances, and without being affected. Millions pass through the human body every day, scientists say.


  • 发生遭遇地方遗留这个丹尼德特人遗留仅有的地方西伯利亚已经发现距离几内亚一段

    Where that encounter could have taken place remains an enigma. The only place Denisovan remains have been found is Siberia, a long way from New Guinea.


  • 经济衰退可能已有所好转但是距离就业市场复苏还有要走。并且博家也声称情况在好转之前可能先会恶化。

    The recession may be over, but the job market recovery is lagging way behind. And experts say the situation may get worse before it gets better.


  • 距离查明这些特征基因基础我们还有长的一段要走,但是研究者已经瞄准可能影响大脑行为基因

    We're a long way from pinpointing the genetic underpinnings of such traits, but researchers are already zeroing in on a few genes that may affect brain and behavior.


  • 目前大部分院校基本上实现行政合并,距离深层次融合校园文化融合还有长的距离

    Current, most of colleges have been merged in the administration, but it is a long time to the deep level of structure merges namely that campus cultural fusion.


  • 经济衰退可能已有所好转但是距离就业市场复苏还有一段要走。并且专家也声称情况在好转之前可能先会恶化。

    The recession may be over, but the job market recovery is lagging way behind. And experts say the situation may get worse before it gets better.


  • 然而我们同样清楚距离成为世界知名高级轴承供应商还有很长的

    However, we know extremely well that there is still a long way to go before we can become one of the top bearing manufacturers worldwide.


  • 补充说:“目前还仅仅处于实验实验治疗脑肿瘤患者的临床应用之间还存在一段距离。”

    It is very experimental at this stage and the distance from here to doctors being able to better treat brain tumours is a long way off.


  • 此时威尔伯离树林似乎还有很长的距离而且从来去过里面,也不知道自己是不是喜欢那儿。

    Everybody walked toward Wilbur and Wilbur didn't know what to do. The woods seemed a long way off, and anyway, he had never been down there in the woods and wasn't sure he would like it.


  • NBA球员球队老板陷入劳资纠纷,根据10月1报导距离达成协议还有一段路。

    The NBA players and team owners are locked in a labor dispute, and it was reported on October 1 that the two sides had come no closer to reaching an agreement.


  • 通过距离超车保持时间的高速获得额外积分

    Gain extra points by overtaking other cars from a close distance or keeping a hi-speed for a long time!


  • 通过距离超车保持时间的高速获得额外积分

    Gain extra points by overtaking other cars from a close distance or keeping a hi-speed for a long time!


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