• 一直不断地派遣侦察员到前面去

    He had been continually dispatching scouts ahead.


  • 昨天一整天人们一直不断地到达,结果午夜的时候成千上万的挤满了这个广场

    All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square.


  • 一直不断指引众生得到解脱。

    Who continue in their endeavours to guide all beings to liberation?


  • 多年琼斯一直不断地想出新的主意

    For years Johns kept coming up with new and good ideas.


  • 由于位于心脏表面冠状动脉一直不断运动

    Owing to their position on the surface of the heart, the coronary arteriesare in constant motion.


  • 可以一直不断地下去可是依然不能引起注意

    You can shout till the cows come home and you still won't be able to attract his attention.


  • 不得不一直不断地提醒自己旅行到了公元3005年。

    I have to constantly remind myself that I have travelled to the year AD 3005.


  • 飞机一直不断地泰国北部灾区紧急救援物资运抵机场

    Airplanes have been taking emergency supplies for flooded areas in northern Thailand to the airport.


  • 他们一直不断地提醒人们,要当心人类理性金融机构脆弱性

    There have been all-too-frequent reminders of the frailty of human rationality and vulnerability of financial institutions.


  • 我们雇佣一些承包商他们一直不断告诉我们,他们什么没做。

    We have engaged some of the contractors but they keep telling us that there is nothing they can do.


  • 透过音乐更容易你们连系。我一直不断地生命能量传送给你们。

    I can communicate to you better through music. I'm working on you all the time.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学欧文·高夫曼教授一直不断研究社会交流人们行为方式

    Professor Erving Goffman of the University of Pennsylvania is involved in a continuing study of the way people behave in social interaction.


  • 就像任何聪明熟练旅行老鸟,从历史上到如今这个部族一直不断改变自己面貌

    Like any culturally adept traveler, the tribe has changed its appearance throughout its history.


  • 试图每天使用不同香波有时我会沉迷一种香味上,并且一直不断使用

    I try to use a different shampoo every day. But sometimes I get stuck on a scent and just want to use it all the time.


  • 我们一直不断地寻求方法增加Geico客户价值创造好的商誉客户紧密联系起来。

    We are constantly looking for ways to increase the value of Geico to customers, to create goodwill and bond more closely with them.


  • 非常感谢我们关心支持我们一直不断努力,提供更加优质完善服务

    Thank you very much for your care and support for us. We will continue to improve ourselves in order to provide you with services of higher quality.


  • 自己说过如果2.5亿只猩猩一直不断地硬币其中有一只连续不断地抛到正面

    He himself noted that if 250m orangutans kept flipping COINS, one of them would produce a long string of heads.


  • 甚至骨髓移植隔离时期,信和图画一直不断地过来直到房间面墙贴得满满

    Even when I went into isolation at the hospital for a bone marrow transplant, the letters and pictures kept coming until they covered every wall of my room.


  • 这些领导者,都表现得积极,带 领公司一直不断前进我们企业 很好运行的关键

    Leaders like that are really pushing forward in a way that is fast, and quick, and that is the key as you continue to work on that.


  • 但是他们一直不断地吸烟是因为他们尼古丁上瘾了,香烟或者是无烟烟草里的一种化学物质

    But they keep on smoking because they became addicted to nicotine, one of the chemicals in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.


  • 他们学到如果客户一直不断地触摸脸庞可能意味着顾客经历一整天会议或者旅行后非常的焦虑

    They learned that if guests are constantly touching their faces, it's a likely sign they're anxious after a long day of meetings or travel.


  • 还是真的需要胆量才行的飞机白天电池充电时会一直爬高到了晚上为了节省电力一直不断缓慢下降

    This will involve some daring, with the aircraft spending all day climbing as its batteries are recharged and then descending slowly under power throughout the night to conserve energy.


  • 施华蔻品牌自成立以来,深受都市女性的喜爱。多款产品线满足女性秀发的各种护发需求一直不断地完善丰富。

    Schwarzkopf is popular among city ladies from its launch. The product portfolios have been perfectly meeting various hair care requirements and exploring ways towards improvement.


  • 瑞安写道,“这个酒店有可能成为卡扎菲力量反对派决一死战,这个令人恐惧念头一直不断地我们脑海浮现着。”

    "Ryan wrote," the hotel may be Mr Qaddafi's strength and the opposition do-or-die site, the frightening thought kept in mind.


  • 这个建议一部分源于个人Google全球范围快速部署计算机能力崇拜过去,Google一直不断地展示他的这个能力。

    This recommendation is partly inspired by his admiration for the company's skill at rapidly deploying computing power throughout the world as it's done the past few years.


  • 许多展览者一直不断动物繁殖就是为了让动物崽能够源源不断地得到补充,以此碧昂斯JayZ这样的名人来售卖拍照的机会。

    Many exhibitors continually breed the animals just so they'll have a constant supply of young animals in order to sell photo ops to people like Beyonce and Jay Z.


  • 到达这个层面之后,你就一直不断地感受到恒久感觉最高纯粹所展现出来的感觉在此以前你从未有过这样强烈的感觉。

    The one constant sense that you have continually felt since you arrived at this level was a presence of the highest and purest love than you've ever felt before.


  • 博士仍然这个工作,仍然新闻媒体自由发表言论而且自从问题产生热以来,的评论就一直不断地发布在美国环保局的网站上。

    Dr. Carlin remains on the job and free to talk to the news media, and since the furor his comments on the finding have been posted on the E. P. A.


  • 博士仍然这个工作,仍然新闻媒体自由发表言论而且自从问题产生热以来,的评论就一直不断地发布在美国环保局的网站上。

    Dr. Carlin remains on the job and free to talk to the news media, and since the furor his comments on the finding have been posted on the E. P. A.


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